If you spot any major changes in between Fedora 10 and Fedora 11 alpha about to be released shortly, feel free to fill in the details. We will be highlighting new features, major bug fixes and things that need explicit testing. Thanks.
If you are running rawhide, it would be useful to a couple of screenshots highlighting major features.
On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 03:39:24AM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
If you spot any major changes in between Fedora 10 and Fedora 11 alpha about to be released shortly, feel free to fill in the details. We will be highlighting new features, major bug fixes and things that need explicit testing. Thanks.
If you are running rawhide, it would be useful to a couple of screenshots highlighting major features.
Thanks for starting this page. I transcribed your input from fedora-devel-list and did the normal editing. Are any of the folks working on release notes or Docs in general subscribed to fedora-devel-list and/or fedora-test-list? If so, major user-visible differences should be noted here.
We don't need to note: * package version changes, unless they're of major importance * artwork changes, which are likely to be changed or refined further
We do need to note: * new and visible features * specific, substantial regressions or functional changes that will surprise testers * any user interaction required to activate new features, to encourage more testing
There are probably other considerations here too. Use good judgement and if in doubt, put it in. It's far easier to edit things out than to find what we've missed! Thanks to everyone for helping out.