My name is Zach Oglesby, and I have been using various distro since around 2001. I have never really contributed to any distribution but I ran a website for teenage Linux users from 2002-2006, with weekly reviews and news updates. I also recently joined the ambassadors group but I currently live in Spain and do not speak the Spanish so it makes it hard for me to do much outside of my work.
I am a decent programmer but lack skills when it comes to GUI's. Online I am a people person (very different in person), and am willing to work with anyone on whatever needs to be done.
The docs project is a good fit for me because free software is the most important achievement of the computer age, and good documentation makes great software even better.
GPG Key - 1378F79F Fingerprint - 9639 6A0C 55BE 7020 9D93 E4E2 22AE 2F5C 1378 F79F
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 04:04:23PM +0100, Zach Oglesby wrote:
My name is Zach Oglesby, and I have been using various distro since around 2001. I have never really contributed to any distribution but I ran a website for teenage Linux users from 2002-2006, with weekly reviews and news updates. I also recently joined the ambassadors group but I currently live in Spain and do not speak the Spanish so it makes it hard for me to do much outside of my work.
I am a decent programmer but lack skills when it comes to GUI's. Online I am a people person (very different in person), and am willing to work with anyone on whatever needs to be done.
The docs project is a good fit for me because free software is the most important achievement of the computer age, and good documentation makes great software even better.
It's great to meet you, Zach. I saw that you came by our IRC channel (#fedora-docs on and introduced yourself as well. Perhaps some of the work spinning up around the CMS interests you? Any PHP experience?
I just wanted to introduce myself, because I just signed up to your list on account of the possibility of Zikula handling your docs CMS (I'm just observing). I'd be delighted personally. Zikula is my favorite Web platform and FC has always been my favorite roll of Linux. I have FC9 on dual boot here. Plus I'm a "docs guy" too, if you like, because I'm just starting work on a webmaster guide for Zikula over at
So I'll be watching the thread with interest to try and learn how you guys work and what your culture is like.
I can't possibly sign off without saying that I really believe Zikula would be good for you and you would be good for Zikula. Zikula can provide a great answer to your need. Zikula rocks! :)
A belated introduction from a lurker. (Andrew Ross, I was in Brisbane last fall on business. Lovely city!)
Name: Karen Schneider Location: Florida/Georgia Profession: Community Librarian Company: Equinox Software Inc. ("The Evergreen Experts" -- we support Evergreen OSS library automation software)
I have a variety of roles in the company and one emerging role is to help shape the direction of Evergreen documentation, including selecting and providing oversight for documentation writers on a grant project, helping to provide direction on schemas, style guides, etc., and whatever else comes up. We are (very likely) adopting the Fedora styleguide, discussing a move from Dokuwiki to Docbook, integrating documentation into the development timeline, etc.
* What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?* * I do not have a documentation background, though I have written two technical trade books and have an MFA in writing. I have published over 100 articles, mostly industry-specific trade articles for library and technology magazines, though also a handful of literary essays. (Yes, I think that counts -- writing is writing, and after reviewing a series of documentation contributions this only confirms for me that some folks have it and others do not.)
* What level and type of computer skills do you have?*
* I am a generalist with typical business skills (perhaps better than average). I have been online since 1990. I am not scared of a command prompt but also don't seek one out if I don't have to. ;) Like most librarians I have a good feel for structured data and for metadata.
* What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills), programming, etc.* * I am teaching myself Docbook (next up, XSLT). *I run a local writers' critique group (where I am informally known as their beloved "hard**s" ;) ) and have very good editorial/review/critique skills. If I can understand it, I can usually salvage it and can provide feedback at every level -- detailed/directive; suggestions; general advice; etc. * In my decades in the full-time workforce I have initiated, hired for, and provided oversight for a variety of projects (including usability, software development, etc.) and have been an administrator of various flavors at various times. * What makes you an excellent match for the project?* * I don't know that I am an "excellent match" at this point. I'm sitting back and listening/learning. If a role opens up, I'll speak up. I'm always happy to look at anything you want me to.
| Karen G. Schneider | Community Librarian | Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts" | Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712 | | Web:
Hi Karen,
Welcome to the group. We are constantly in need of good wordsmiths, as well as people who understand DocBook. Please feel free to join us during our weekly meetings on Wednesday at 2pm Eastern on in #fedora-meeting. In general you'll find us hanging out in #fedora-docs so feel free to stop by anytime.
I find it very interesting that Equinox/Evergreen is adopting the style guide, but it's very illustrative of how open source is supposed to work.
On a completely unrelated note - can you put us in contact with someone at Equinox about packaging Evergreen for Fedora?
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Karen Schneider wrote:
A belated introduction from a lurker. (Andrew Ross, I was in Brisbane last fall on business. Lovely city!)
Name: Karen Schneider Location: Florida/Georgia Profession: Community Librarian Company: Equinox Software Inc. ("The Evergreen Experts" -- we support Evergreen OSS library automation software)
I have a variety of roles in the company and one emerging role is to help shape the direction of Evergreen documentation, including selecting and providing oversight for documentation writers on a grant project, helping to provide direction on schemas, style guides, etc., and whatever else comes up. We are (very likely) adopting the Fedora styleguide, discussing a move from Dokuwiki to Docbook, integrating documentation into the development timeline, etc.
What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
- I do not have a documentation background, though I have written two
technical trade books and have an MFA in writing. I have published over 100 articles, mostly industry-specific trade articles for library and technology magazines, though also a handful of literary essays. (Yes, I think that counts -- writing is writing, and after reviewing a series of documentation contributions this only confirms for me that some folks have it and others do not.)
What level and type of computer skills do you have?
- I am a generalist with typical business skills (perhaps better than
average). I have been online since 1990. I am not scared of a command prompt but also don't seek one out if I don't have to. ;) Like most librarians I have a good feel for structured data and for metadata.
What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills), programming, etc.
- I am teaching myself Docbook (next up, XSLT).
*I run a local writers' critique group (where I am informally known as their beloved "hard**s" ;) ) and have very good editorial/review/critique skills. If I can understand it, I can usually salvage it and can provide feedback at every level -- detailed/directive; suggestions; general advice; etc.
- In my decades in the full-time workforce I have initiated, hired for, and
provided oversight for a variety of projects (including usability, software development, etc.) and have been an administrator of various flavors at various times.
What makes you an excellent match for the project?
- I don't know that I am an "excellent match" at this point. I'm sitting
back and listening/learning. If a role opens up, I'll speak up. I'm always happy to look at anything you want me to.
| Karen G. Schneider | Community Librarian | Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts" | Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712 | | Web:
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1. I'd love to, 2. thank you, 3. agreed, 4. will follow through right now --
Karen G. Schneider
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:45 AM, David Nalley <> wrote:
Hi Karen,
Welcome to the group. We are constantly in need of good wordsmiths, as well as people who understand DocBook.
- Please feel free to join us during our weekly meetings on Wednesday at
2pm Eastern on in #fedora-meeting. 2. In general you'll find us hanging out in #fedora-docs so feel free to stop by anytime.
I find it very interesting that Equinox/Evergreen is adopting the style guide, but 3. it's very illustrative of how open source is supposed to work.
- On a completely unrelated note - can you put us in contact with
someone at Equinox about packaging Evergreen for Fedora?
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Karen Schneider wrote:
A belated introduction from a lurker. (Andrew Ross, I was in Brisbane
fall on business. Lovely city!)
Name: Karen Schneider Location: Florida/Georgia Profession: Community Librarian Company: Equinox Software Inc. ("The Evergreen Experts" -- we support Evergreen OSS library automation software)
I have a variety of roles in the company and one emerging role is to help shape the direction of Evergreen documentation, including selecting and providing oversight for documentation writers on a grant project, helping
provide direction on schemas, style guides, etc., and whatever else comes up. We are (very likely) adopting the Fedora styleguide, discussing a
from Dokuwiki to Docbook, integrating documentation into the development timeline, etc.
What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
- I do not have a documentation background, though I have written two
technical trade books and have an MFA in writing. I have published over
articles, mostly industry-specific trade articles for library and
magazines, though also a handful of literary essays. (Yes, I think that counts -- writing is writing, and after reviewing a series of
contributions this only confirms for me that some folks have it and
do not.)
What level and type of computer skills do you have?
- I am a generalist with typical business skills (perhaps better than
average). I have been online since 1990. I am not scared of a command
but also don't seek one out if I don't have to. ;) Like most librarians I have a good feel for structured data and for metadata.
What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills), programming, etc.
- I am teaching myself Docbook (next up, XSLT).
*I run a local writers' critique group (where I am informally known as
beloved "hard**s" ;) ) and have very good editorial/review/critique
If I can understand it, I can usually salvage it and can provide feedback
every level -- detailed/directive; suggestions; general advice; etc.
- In my decades in the full-time workforce I have initiated, hired for,
provided oversight for a variety of projects (including usability,
development, etc.) and have been an administrator of various flavors at various times.
What makes you an excellent match for the project?
- I don't know that I am an "excellent match" at this point. I'm sitting
back and listening/learning. If a role opens up, I'll speak up. I'm
happy to look at anything you want me to.
| Karen G. Schneider | Community Librarian | Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts" | Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712 | | Web:
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