I am a member of the Mono SIG, and together with a couple of other people we are maintaining Mono and depending packages in Fedora.
I got involved with Fedora in 2015, because I wanted an uptodate version of Mono in CentOS... I learned that I first have to help getting Mono uptodate in Fedora, and then update it in Epel. This process is nearly finished, with the Mono 4.2 packages available in epel-testing.
My motivation for Mono on Fedora/CentOS is OpenPetra [1], an open source administration package (accounting, CRM, HR) for charities and mission organisations. I am heavily involved in that project.
I assume that at some point OpenPetra will not depend on Winforms anymore, but turn into a ASP like project. This is still far away, but I am interested in dotnet core. Also I see that more and more c# projects are using dotnet libraries and msbuild, so I think we need to extend our support for that in Fedora. Even MonoDevelop as a package goes into that direction [2].
I guess there is much common interest in the Mono SIG and Dotnet SIG, and we will see how much overlap will exist.
Personally: I live in Plauen, Germany, was born in 1978, and just became a father of a wonderful daughter 3 months ago :)
Looking forward to working with you, Timotheus
[1]: https://www.openpetra.org [2]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1313236