#21: Anonymize datasets
Reporter: nigelj | Owner: nigelj
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Release 0.2.0
Component: General | Version: 0.1.5
Keywords: |
Apologies if this is how the system currently works.
I'm posting this on behalf of the Fedora Board. We would like for our
election voting tool to work like this:
FAS2 user goes to vote, they authenticate. The voting system assigns the
user a unique ID number. The user then votes, and confirms their vote. The
"ballot" is stored but is tied only to this unique ID number (not to the
FAS2 user/account). The FAS2 system records that the FAS2 user has voted,
but does not store a correlation between the FAS2 account and the unique
ID number attached to the ballot.
Thus, we have a dataset showing the results, but it is anonymized
automatically, and we still know who has (and has not) voted, just not who
(or what) they voted for.
Thanks in advance.
2008-07-29 19:26:00 changed by mmcgrath
Just so we're clear. The idea is to ensure that the results of a ballot
cannot in any way be tied to a user. We would also not want this data in
logs on the elections app servers correct?
This might make fraud more likely but then I'm not entirely sure how its
any better or worse from that perspective with what we have now.
G, can you think of any technical hurdles in implementing this?
Spot/Board: Do you want us to anonymize the data that's already in the
2008-07-29 19:35:42 changed by spot
Yes, that is the idea. We would not want a correlation between a ballot
and a user anywhere, not even logs. If we're careful with ensuring that
once a ballot is submitted, the FAS2 user is marked as having voted in an
election, I don't think we open the door to any additional fraud
As to anonymizing the existing data, I'm not sure it is worth the effort.
2008-07-29 21:39:01 changed by jspaleta
If we are going to be making changes to address the voting system... are
we gonna make any effort to contact someone doing active research into
electronic voting methods to get an idea as to existing workable
implementation concepts that accomplish the desired anonymizing of the
voting but also protect against fraud?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/21>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections
#25: Allow other voting methods
Reporter: nigelj | Owner: nigelj
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Release 0.3.0
Component: General | Version: trunk
Keywords: |
In addition to #24, it'd be nice to allow a simpler voting method,
something like:
for - abstain - against
For would be +1, abstain 0, against -1
This makes it nice and easy to count etc.
Is this something like you want as well Kevin?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/25>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections
#20: Candidate and Community Q/A feature
Reporter: jspaleta | Owner: nigelj
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Release 0.1.5
Component: General | Version: 0.1.0
Keywords: |
Purpose: To generate a slate of community questions to ask each candidate
in an election to help people do a side by side comparison of candidates's
thoughts on important Fedora project issues as seen by the voting
This involves 4 things
1)A way for community to write in questions for candidates
2)A way for community to vote for questions previously submitted by a
certain deadline
3)A way for each candidate to answer "top" questions, by a certain
4)Displaying all candidate answers to all "top" questions together side by
side in context with the question. No commenting or revisioning beyond the
I am told that lmacken is working on a community idea storm like app which
should be able to do
1) and 2)
3) is essentially setting some arbitrary limit to the number of questions
candidates will be expected to ask, as part of the election announcement.
You may want to supplement the community vote process with a small group
selection step to weed out a highly inappropriate question.
Once the slate of questions are selected the app would need to provide a
space for each candidate to answer each of those selected questions. Such
a space should be limited to a finite number of words per question, to
discourage people like me from writing overly detailed responses.
4) just makes it fair. If an issue or answer is hotly contested a
candidate-candidate debate can be done in a mailinglist or the
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/20>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections
#24: Allow other Fedora Groups to use the voting system
Reporter: nigelj | Owner: nigelj
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Release 0.3.0
Component: General | Version: trunk
Keywords: kevin |
Just to keep a note here about it:
Kevin (nirik) queried if the irc-support group could use the voting system
to hold votes for themselves that are unrelated to board votes etc.
This opens the door to a new feature where we have 'official' and
'unofficial' elections, for instance a Board election would be considered
Official and would appear on the main page, but a irc-support group vote
would be unofficial and appear on a page off the main page.
It would also lower the permissions required to create such elections to
something like:
Create election requires would require either group: elections (official
elections), or, group administrator of groups allowed to vote (unofficial
elections) - extra groups could be added by 'elections' members if a case
is made.
This requires (for a totally self managed solution) that we go to a system
where the UI is nicer (#8) and elections can be closed out by the election
Kevin: What do you think?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/24>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections
#34: "usefas" does not do validation on candidates
Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: nigelj
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: General | Version: 0.2.1
Keywords: |
when using 'usefas' for an election, entering the candidates names does
not actually verify the names before saving to database. This causes an
error later when trying to display the names if they are not correct.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/34>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections
#23: Perform nomination process in-app
Reporter: nigelj | Owner: nigelj
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Release 0.2.0
Component: General | Version: 0.1.5
Keywords: |
Something that I've considered a 'would be nice' thing to have in the
application is to have the nomination process happen within the
application. This would require the election to be 'loaded' into the
application 1-2 months before the actual start, but would remove the wiki
based process, it would however simplify the administrative overhead
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/23>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections
#32: Email function
Reporter: pfrields | Owner: nigelj
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: General | Version: 0.2.1
Keywords: |
We should consider having the election system produce email of voting
results to the election owner(s).
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/ticket/32>
Fedora Elections <https://fedorahosted.org/elections/>
Fedora Elections