I'll file a ticket once fedorahosted is back online.
The request is to port the isohybrid script, in the syslinux package,
from perl to C (and of course submit it upstream). This would let
syslinux drop its dependency on perl, which would save considerable
$ wc -l git/syslinux/utils/isohybrid.in
258 git/syslinux/utils/isohybrid.in
As this is doing some simple structure unpacking and validation, and
simple binary writes, this should be straightforward to implement in
----- Forwarded message from Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)gmail.com> -----
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:08:06 +0100
From: Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)gmail.com>
To: The Spin Special Interest Group mailing list <spins(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Re: [Fedora-spins] Board SWG questions for Spins Owners
I'd also like to see the removal of the requirement of perl (via perl
scripts in syslinux) as it added about 10% to the F-12 test LiveCDs I
did off Moblin. Anaconda uses a single of these scripts and only for
the creation of hybrid boot cds (see bugs 544136 and 559644 ), This is
also relevant for the Sugar on a Stick spin as well. Its the last dep
remaining on perl in both those spins (and I suspect the desktop spins
as well).
spins mailing list
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