Hi all,
almost 2 months after previous release, lo and behold, 0.3.13 https://fedorahosted.org/released/firewalld/firewalld-0.3.13.tar.bz2 sha1sum: afc1ba1f386bdf7c4a6d651c32aea129329ecdf6
This is mainly a bug-fix release, nothing big.
firewalld: - ipXtables: use -w or -w2 if supported (RHBZ#1151067) - DROP INVALID packets (RHBZ#1169837) - don't use ipv6header for protocol matching. (RHBZ#1065565) - remove passthroughs in reverse order (RHBZ#1167100) - fix config.service.removeDestination() (RHBZ#1164584) firewall-config: - fix typo in menu - fix crash when removing zone configuration: - new services: tinc, vdsm, mosh, iscsi-target, rsyncd - ship and install XML Schema files. (#8) updated man pages: - firewalld.dbus, firewalld.direct, firewalld, firewall-cmd
-- Jiri