Few suggestions are listed down, which were found during the dry run of
the i18n test cases:
1. Each time after you do the testing, need to to come back to the test
day page and then scroll down to go the Result section
Suggestion: Provide the link for result page on each test case page and
also link each result page to the test case page.
ie. In the "Input (Overall) section, we have two test cases: QA:Testcase
i18n ibus input and QA:Gnome Input Method Integration IBus.
(i) Provide the link for the result page of Input (Overall) in these two
test cases' page so that from tester perspective navigating between test
case and result pages will be easier.
(ii) Also can provide these two test cases' pages link in the
Input(Overall) result page
2. QA:Testcase ibus input: Found the instructions bit confusing and
difficult to understand
3. Input (language-specific): Didnt find the command to run the typing
booster application.