#409: Fedora 20 i18n Test Day
Reporter: aalam | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 20
Component: Test Day | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
I18N (Internationalization) Test Day
Test Date: TBD
Fedora 20 Schedule: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/20/Schedule
Required: Live ISO, it may not be same as l10n test day.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/409>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
#408: Fedora 20 Translation Test Day
Reporter: aalam | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 20
Component: Test Day | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= phenomenon =
Translation Test day for Fedora 20.
Test Date: need to decide. It is before 'Software Translation Freeze'
proposed date: Thursday Sep 26 (2013-09-26)
= implementation recommendation =
- need to review test cases for gnome-3.10
- need to create test for Anaconda
fltg team will help for that.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/408>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
I've created the page in subject and new chapter (named Types of Test
Days) in FLTG home page, and added the link.
Hope this page helps when planning this test day.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Ruckman <roshi(a)fedoraproject.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Call for Test Days
To: "Test@" <test(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Hey all, it's time to consider putting in your requests for Test Days
for Fedora 21. A couple are already scheduled:
- GNOME 3.14 (2014-08-07)
- Wayland (2014-08-14)
- NetworkManager (2014-08-21)
- ARM (2014-08-28)
- Virtualization (2014-08-13)
With the upcoming changes for Fedora 21, we could use several more
test days! So if anything comes to mind that needs a test day - respond
and we'll work to get it scheduled.
For those of you not familiar with Test Days, a Test Day is an
online event aimed at testing a specific feature of an upcoming Fedora
Release. By utilizing IRC for organization/coordination and a Wiki
page for instructions and results, Test Days are easy to organize.
Anyone can request to host a Test Day or request that the QA team help
you out with the organization of the test day. A test day can be ran
for any feature or area of a distribution that focused testing would be
useful for. More information on test days can be found here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days .
To propose a Test Day, file a ticket on the QA Trac. A full
explanation can be found here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/Create . The SOP for
hosting a test day is here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Test_Day_management .
Typically, Test Days are on a Thursday, or for a series of
Test Days over a Tues-Thursday period (this is how we usually run the X
Test Week, for instance). There are many days available between Alpha
and Beta - though we still don't know *exactly* when that period will
And finally, if you really want to run a Test Day in a specific
time-frame due to the development schedule, but the Thursday slot for
that week is full, we can add a slot on another day. We're flexible!
Just put in your ticket the date or time-frame you'd like, and we'll
figure it out from there.
If you have any questions about Test Days or the process, please don't
hesitate to contact me or any other QA Team member in #fedora-qa on
Thanks and happy testing!
Mike Ruckman
Fedora QA
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