Hi All,
I am sure, most of the people working with Fedora I18N, L10N from 5-6
year must be aware regarding Fedora L10N Steering Committee. [1] As far
as i know this committee was active around 2009 and very effective.
During Fedora G11N activity day discussions, we again felt there is
need for some kind of official committee to drive Fedora Globalization
activities. Fedora is growing faster with number of different domains
and G11N also need to adapt those changes quickly to remain on the track.
For this purpose and in line with [1], we were thinking of Fedora
Globalization steering committee. I have created initial proposal for
it. [2]
Its open for feedback, please feel free to share other active members,
discuss in your respective language groups. This is just initial
proposal and i am sure, we can improve and make it more effective with
active participation.
Pravin Satpute
2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_G11N_Steering_Committee_Proposal
g11n mailing list
Hi All,
* Most of the things have been done for my attendance to Dev Conf 2016. [1]
* Noriko is also travelling same time.
* If i remember correctly Zoltan is also travelling for Dev Conf.
* Mike Fabian from i18n team will be also there.
* Anyone else??
Also more members from Ambassadors group and also from council will be there.
Can we propose small meetup around couple of hours and touch up F24
pending task and other topics?
Pravin Satpute
1. http://devconf.cz/
g11n mailing list
Hello everyone,
Recently I am updating the translation of anaconda on fedora.zanata.org. I
can't find any detail information about the string I'm translating. For
example, where does the string locate. This feature is called *occurrences*
in transifex. It tells the translator where the string comes from, in which
line, in which file.
This is really helpful when translators aren't sure about how to translate
the string. Then they can look up it in the original file to see the
context around it.
So could anyone tell me does Zanata have this feature? If it doesn't have,
would the Zanata project consider to implement it?
This message is CCed to g11n(a)lists.fedoraproject.org too.
Tian Shixiong
Fedora Project Contributor
g11n mailing list
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fedora Internationalization <i18n(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Date: 6 January 2016 at 12:36
Subject: #59: tracking of translation string changes
#59: tracking of translation string changes
Reporter: petersen | Owner: i18n@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
= description =
During the G11n FAD in Tokyo, we came up with the idea of tracking string
changes in Fedora to help catch string breakage and get some visibility on
translation status. Initially we would probably target only upstream
projects that are translated in Fedora Zanata for each Fedora release.
= reason =
Currently we have no direct way of knowing when strings change or break
the freeze in Fedora etc. This is valuable information for the L10n and
QA teams, and useful others too.
= recommendation/goal =
Create a tool/webapp to track translation in Fedora/Zanata.
For example it might compare what is in Zanata or Fedora packages vs what
is upstream in Github etc, and alert/flag
packages that need new strings to be pushed to Zanata or that have
translations to be pulled upstream from Zanata.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/59>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
i18n mailing list
g11n mailing list
On 17 November 2015 at 08:41, Noriko Mizumoto <noriko(a)fedoraproject.org>
> On 2015年11月07日 00:11, pravin.d.s(a)gmail.com wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > $subject. Two problems:
> >
> > 1. There is chance of FAS user can create account with different
> > username and it will affect our plan to connect with FedBus and generate
> > stats.
> This applies to first time login to fedora.zanata.org with FAS username,
> right?
> What is FedBus?
FedBus is where all activity messages related Fedora get listed.
> >
> > 2. Was talking with CLA agreement with Zanata guys earlier. They said
> > rather than they work on signing agreement from users, they want user
> > simply sign CLA of different project i.e. Fedora, OepnStack and they
> > will simply connect users to respective project portal. In this case no
> > need to sign other terms of Zanata (please correct me here if i am
> > wrong). I mean just user can simply log in and start work.
> This is current state implemented where Fedora new translator is
> required to sign Fedora Project Contributor Agreement (not CLA), before
> login and join corresponding team in zanata.
> If zanata can check whether new user attempting first login has already
> obtained FPCA or not, and then can accept or reject login accordingly,
> it will be great help for all language team coordinators. Currently the
> coordinators manually check this.
If its possible to check, then it is fine.
Else lets have a simple checkbox after user logs in.
Any progress here?
Let me know if anything need to do from my side.
Pravin Satpute
g11n mailing list