#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day --------------------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: tflink Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 23 Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version: Keywords: l10n, fltg | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------------------------+------------------------ Fedora 24 Alpha release is on 22nd March (Tuesday) and Software Translation Deadline is on 5th April (Tuesday) [1].
As per mail discussion [2], the date for F24 L10n Test day is finalized as 29th March (Tuesday)
FLTG team will be working towards coordinating and arranging the test day including creating new test cases, reviewing old test cases, listing existing bugs, provide required assistance to get the image for testing, help testers on test day etc. The list of items to do will be listed soon.
Thanks Ani Peter (apeter) FLTG
[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/24/Schedule%5B%5BBR]]
[2] - bit.ly/1TdUirs
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: tflink Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 23 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------ Changes (by kparal):
* component: Blocker bug tracker page => Test Day
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: tflink Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------ Changes (by kparal):
* milestone: Fedora 23 => Fedora 24
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: tflink Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------ Changes (by kparal):
* cc: qa-devel@… (removed)
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: tflink Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by anipeter):
Thank you Kamil
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------ Changes (by pschindl):
* owner: tflink => pschindl
Thank you for organizing this test day.
I've put it to [[https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/2016/3/29/#m3327%7CFedoCal]]. If you want to change the date, let me know, I'll move it.
I've also created [[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-03-29_Translation_Test_Day%7Cth... test day page]].
If you need something, just let me know.
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by anipeter):
Replying to [comment:5 pschindl]:
Thank you for organizing this test day.
I've put it to
[[https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/2016/3/29/#m3327%7CFedoCal]]. If you want to change the date, let me know, I'll move it.
I've also created
[[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-03-29_Translation_Test_Day%7Cth... test day page]].
If you need something, just let me know.
Thank you Petr. Sure, will let you know. We are starting to review the list of packages, test cases and other tasks to be done.
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by pravins):
We are planning for Virtual FAD for GUI Translation. Present suitable date for us if 21-27.
Its unrealistic to think package maintainers will build package with latest translation after vFAD.
Can releng pull translations on 28th March from Zanata while making Test image for L10N test day?
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by pschindl):
I'm not sure if I got your message correctly, do you want to move the test day to the week 21-27? I can move it to 24th if it suits you better.
Relengs doesn't make images for test days. It's something what the people running the particular test day are responsible for or of course I can do it. I'm not sure how pulling from Zanata works, but there is a lot of time to investigate :) I can look at it next week.
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Sorry for confusion, let me be more clear :) 1. We are planning for Virtual FAD for translation from 21-27. 2. We have Translation test day on 29th.
Now, if one does translation for particular string during 21-27th and during 29th test day if he find same string untranslated he might get confused or file bug for same again.
Just checking, is it possible to have Test day image with latest translation done during 21-27.
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by anipeter):
As per our normal procedure, I have filed a ticket for creating Live ISO image to be used for L10n testing on March 29th: https://fedorahosted.org /rel-eng/ticket/6378
Thanks Ani
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by anipeter):
* The test page is updated with the testdayapp link and details * The last nightly LiveCD will be used for test day this time, need to add the link in the page, under "Prepare Your System" section
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by anipeter):
The page is ready now with all information. Please ping if anything is missing. Testdayapp: http://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/3 Download LiveCD image from: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/24/Workstation/x86_...
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by anipeter):
Exported the results to test page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-03-29_Translation_Test_Day#TEST...
F24 L10n Test Report: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-03-29_Translation_Test_Day#Fedo...
* Have listed all the bugs filed. * Action pending: Need to check all the bugs and mark the duplicate ones
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Discussed in today g11n meeting: * Noriko is helping for triaging for l10n bugs reported in testday. * Ani planning to wrote post in communityblog regarding test days.
#480: Fedora 24 Translation (L10n) Test Day -----------------------+------------------------ Reporter: anipeter | Owner: pschindl Type: task | Status: closed Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 24 Component: Test Day | Version: Resolution: fixed | Keywords: l10n, fltg Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+------------------------ Changes (by pschindl):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
Test day is over. You can find results in comment:13