On ke, 31 heinä 2019, lejeczek via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>On 31/07/2019 10:30, Alexander Bokovoy via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>> * 6077: [RFE] Support One-Way Trust authenticated by trust secret
>> With this enhancement, Identity Management (IdM) supports establishing
>> a one-way forest trust
>> to Active Directory (AD) authenticated by a shared secret from the
>> Windows AD domain controller (DC).
>> Previous IdM versions did not contain the features that allowed AD DCs
>> to contact an IdM DC in the mentioned
>> scenario. As a result, IdM now supports establishing a one-way forest
>> trust using a shared secret
>> from both Active Directory and from IdM.
>Will we get THE version in our rhel/centos 7.x ??
No. RHEL 7.7 beta already contains the fixes above as patches on top of
FreeIPA 4.6.5. ;)
FreeIPA 4.6.6 was released earlier this week and it contains fixes that
were already part of RHEL 7.7 beta. The RFE above is there too.
With FreeIPA 4.7.3, we now have these RFEs synchronized across three
supported release branches, 4.8, 4.7, and 4.6.
>this below also ripped a week worth of my time into shreds..
>> --------
>> * 7193: [RFE] Warn or adjust umask if it is too restrictive to break
>> installation
>> If the umask has been used during the installation of an Identity
>> Management (IdM) it was "too restrictive"
>> This RFE checks for too-restrictive mask at install time and error out
>> when this happens
>> to avoid not working deployments of the FreeIPA server.
>many! thanks. L.
This one is also synchronized across three different release branches.
/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland