I was wondering how the funding worked out for those who are being funded for the hotel and want to room with someone who isn't. Mel says that Luke Macken may be in the same boat that I'm in. Was wondering how that works. Thanks.
*Finally* got the bus proposal on paper from Local Motion of Boston.
Everything was in order, and the base cost for the bus is $2700 as
expected. However, we also need to cover two nights of hotel for the
driver and a gratuity. I would expect that shouldn't be more than
an additional $450.
Mel Chua has a copy of the proposal as well for good measure, but I've
accepted it and replied to the vendor.
The coach is a 36-passenger vehicle, but when I talked to Bruce last
night, he was working on some sort of snag that involved procuring
that bus. He is still hopeful that everything will work out fine,
because it won't take them more than a week or two to get everything
outfitted on the bus (the new power and wifi upgrade). If for some
reason that falls through, we do have a Plan B and he will provide a
larger vehicle, though without the power and wifi, at no additional
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
...to Max, since I am headed to Singapore for
http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_APAC this week and he's
kindly offered to pick up on things while Paul (Australia) and I (Asia)
are both out of the continent. A massively continuous special thanks to
Chris Tyler, who's offered to drive next week's meeting in our absence.
Max, I've got 4 things on my plate, and they're all based on
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:FUDCon_Toronto_2009_budget and the
spreadsheet linked therein,
1. Make sure everyone's got travel.
From that email + updates since, these are the folks who need their
travel booked, I've forwarded you the info I have for the folks on this
list who've since indicated their booking preferences, which is almost
but not quite everyone on the list below.
Ben Boeckel
David Nalley
Xavier Lamien
Jon Stanley
Brennan Ashton
Benjamin Kreuter
2. Make sure everyone's got rooms
Paul kicked this off on
I think we're pretty much settled but am putting it here as something we
should status-check on Thursday. One note is that the J5/lmacken rooming
is going to change since Luke wants to room with his friend Remy and J5
is looking for a roommate as I type this; he's going to edit
to reflect what he works out.
3. Make sure everyone's got money
I'll forward you all the "I booked it myself and here's the
reimbursement I need" stuff sitting in my inbox in just a moment. All of
my FUDCon reimbursements to date ("Mel paid for X") should be in an
expense report to you today.
4. Make sure the accounting all checks out
The idea is to balance the CommArch and Fedora Engineering budgets by
dividing the hotel bill however we need to.
In other news, we have a second FUDBus monitor. For those of you who
remember the jetpack-enhanced antics of this summer's CommArch
interns... although neither of us has that status any longer, we've
still got the jetpacks, and there will still be the antics - Ian Weller
and I will be keeping the bus both fun and functional (I figure I'll let
him handle the "fun" and I'll take the "ctional.")
Let me know if I missed anything, I think that's it... I'll be at this
Thursday's meeting to make sure we're all good before I hop my plane
overseas the following day. #fudcon-planning, 4pm EST. Yee-haw.
(Thanks, Max!)
This is a status-check email for FUDCon funding, so we make sure our
books balance with your books and everybody gets where they need to go.
Here's what you need to do.
0. If you're on the first list below, you can safely ignore this email.
1. Check and see your status, which should be listed on one and only one
or http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/fudcon/fudcon-expenses.ods and make
sure our numbers match up with your numbers. If they don't, email me.
2. Check and see which list(s) you're on in terms of "where are you with
funding" status, and follow the instructions.
Your expenses are completely booked and taken care of: you're set.
Ignore this email.
Bill Nottingham
Toshio Kuratomi
Mike McGrath
Stephen Smoogen
Seth Vidal
Adam Miller
Steven Parrish
Ian Weller
Matthew Daniels
Simon Birtwistle
Bert Desmet
We have your information, and a booking is on the way. You're all set.
Ben Boeckel
Your expenses are booked but not reimbursed: send us (mchua, pfrields
@fedoraproject) receipts (pdf). Note that in some cases (rental car,
etc), we may not be able to do this until after FUDCon, but it's a TODO.
Rex Dieter
Pascal Calarco
Clint Savage
Sebastian Dziallas
Your expenses are budgeted but not booked: send us your flight/bus info
so that we can book your trip. (Send us to the webpage you'd like to
book at and give us instructions on how to fill in the form with
whatever is needed - dates, times, name, aisle preference...)
David Nalley
Xavier Lamien
Jon Stanley
Brennan Ashton
We need your trip reports: send us a link to the section on your
userpage that explains what you're doing at FUDCon.
David Nalley
Bernie Innocenti
Brennan Ashton