Hello all,
I would like to suggest that we create components for future FADs on
FUDCon Track the same way we do for FUDCons. That way we could file
organizational and subsidy tickets there.
Due to private financial content and privacy reasons, the visibility of
FAmSCo track is restricted, and unfortunately, people use that as an
excuse to claim lack of transparency since they can't view others
tickets, although we discuss tickets content in public.
The tickets procedures used for FUDCon didn't prevent people from
complain before but I think it is a good example to follow.
Igor Pires Soares
Fedora I18N/L10N QA
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil)
Hi All,
and it seems this email already got send here. LOL. Did an accidental
reply to all... no worries. As can be seen the organization of this
event is now handled by a team of people; Grace and I have been busy
with the FUDCon bid for China.
Today we had a meeting and discussed in more detail about the possible
venue; we are now considering BUPT as the venue for the event. Renmin
is therefore an alternative option if needed, but is not our first
Also several options for hotels have been talked about, located in
Zhongguancun (Haidian district) near the possible venue. having to
mention possible transport options is almost needless as everything is
easy to reach by public transport and/or taxi. Although, more details
about this will be posted on the page.
In our opinion Beijing is probably the best location to host the FUDCon APAC!
Gerard Braad — 吉拉德
Regional Mentor for APAC/China, Member of FAmSCo
Hi All,
Deadline is tight, but I am sure we can make it. Here is some
information about the planning of a possible FUDCon in China.
Currently I put up a page for a bid to host the next FUDCon APAC in
Beijing, China. The page for the bid is available at:
This is just short summary of the talk I had with Yu Shao and Grace
Liu from Red Hat Engineering in Beijing. The Raycom office of RH
(Engineering) has shown interest to help out with making this FUDCon
in China possible. Have added Grace to the event owners list.
Date; November as suggested. Preferred to have it this year, so
continuing with the 2011 bidding process. Currently dates are set for
(11+)12+13 November or (18+)19+20 of November.
Locations have been quickly discussed; Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications has been mentioned as the venue. So two possible
locations are available (all easily reachable by line 10, subway). The
current options available are Renmin University or BUPT. This
information is still not complete, due to ongoing inquiries.
Raycom office might be available as an alternave location to host
hackfest or other activities.
Other information needs to be added to finalize the bid page; mostly
price estimates for flights and hotel options. Please, feel free to
add information about flights to this page. Any help is welcomed,
considering the deadline is next Thursday (the 23rd of June).
Gerard Braad — 吉拉德
Regional Mentor for APAC/China, Member of FAmSCo
Brazilian ambassadors are working to organize a FAD during the 12th Free
Software International Forum a.k.a. FISL at Porto Alegre, Brazil [1].
The event will held from June 29th to July 2nd.
Slots for talks from Jared Smith and Dennis Gilmore have been granted by
the event organization if they are able to attend. Also a community
event for a general talk about Fedora is confirmed as well as a user
group where event attendees can stop by in order to talk to Fedora
contributors. In addition, local Fedora contributors submitted talks for
evaluation and the results will be given in a few weeks.
We are giving priority to fund contributors who filed tickets for FUDCon
Panama but did not get it [2] in order to give them equal opportunity to
attend to a Fedora event this year, as discussed on the local
ambassadors mailing list [3]. If additional budget is available we can
help others as well.
Tickets were filed on FAmSCo Track instance for travel subsidies and
media production. A ticket for swag will be placed as soon as we get a
reply from the supplier. FAmSCo members discussed the FAD possibility on
the last meetings and decisions will be taken on the next one. Costs
estimative are available on a spreadsheet [4].
Kind regards,
Igor Pires Soares
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil) - Member of FAmSCo
Fedora I18N/L10N QA
FUDCon (the Fedora Users and Developers Conference) is the premier
Fedora event. We typically have a FUDCon event in North America,
Latin America, and Europe each year. This year, I'm pleased to
announce that we'll also be having a FUDCon event in the Asia-Pacific
I've confirmed that we have budget set aside for a FUDCon in the
Asia-Pacific region, and I'm now soliciting bids for FUDCon APAC.
Bids should be created on the Fedora wiki, and a link to the bid
mailed to the fudcon-planning list. All bids should be completed by
June 23rd. Soon after the bidding process has closed, I'll meet
together with FAMSCo, the Ambassadors in that region, and our primary
corporate sponsor to pick the winning location. After the location
has been selected, we'll invite people to start registering and Due to
the details of our budget, the time frame for FUDCon APAC this year
will likely be in either November or December. Next year, I'll work
to try to spread the FUDCon events around a bit more evenly, so that
we can have one FUDCon event roughly each quarter.
The bidding process is described in more detail at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process. Any interested
parties are invited to submit their bids up until June 23rd. If you
have any questions or concerns, please bring them up on the
fudcon-planning mailing list.
I look forward to seeing your proposals!
Jared Smith
Fedora Project Leader
Hola People!
Today I had a small meeting with Samuele and we talk a bit about FUDcon EMEA
design and some random ideas that I would like to share with all of you (not
only FUDcon EMEA folks).
=== What about have a FUDcon self website? ===
FUDcon EMEA team has been working on a website design that could help spread
the event to non-fedora people (and some locals too) [1]. Site looks amazing
and seems to be really functional. All big and important events have not
only a wiki to describe how is/will be and how to plan it, but also have a
site build to gather atteendees and provide them easy information.
*** Website possible tasks ***
* Provide a friendly and useful website to release information and news
about FUDcon pre/during/post events
* Have a press section with news and general information
* A possible registration form to capture new-contributors/users information
* Photos gathering section (also social networks)
* Contact form
* Sponsors and Speakers small bio
* General calendar with schedules, talks, hackfest and further info
* Something else?
*** Why add a website if we already have a wiki? ***
No... we don't need it... but we are Fedora and we always came up with crazy
If we want to spread FUDcon as a great event, we need a self website for
that... period.
Wikis are more for organization and planning and EMEA guys are correct with
the idea of present FUDcon as a premiere event, not only for us but for the
world too.
So.. looking at the mockup... do you like this idea?
*** Implementation ***
* We need a server to hold this, but I don't know if we will use RH/FP
services but I'm sure that a lot of us (including me) will provide this
(admins... little help over here!)
* We should set up a farm for this... so each FUDcon have his own page. This
will help not only to have a better organization, but also to provide a
long-term information and more SEO links to increase FUDcon info traffic (we
want the world to know about us)
* Design is not that reelevant since base mockup is done, we need to add a
new item to FUDcon Planning if this come up - A web mantainer (or at least
someone who writes once per week at this site)
* Are we going to use a CMS or something new? For FUDcon EMEA we have only 3
months so has to be something useful and fast. (I sugest Wordpress since is
easy to work with and friendly-user but if you have more ideas just drop
them here)
What do you people think about this?
[1] http://www.2s-design.it/fudcon_milan/site/template.html
This is my favorite example... http://www.campus-party.org/home-en.html
Maria Gracia Leandro
LinuxUser= 440285
GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56
The wiki page for FUDCon Milan has been conspicuously empty, so I've
started filling in the details at
Please feel free to help us fill in additional details :-)
Jared Smith
Fedora Project Leader