last design-team meeting was the logo for fudcon blacksburg one of the topics.
we cant move forward on that thing without an logo. we need it for create
flyer, shirts and so on.
so the question still is, can fudcon blacksburg represented from a tail of a
that u can see how it would look like, i made some "sketches"
personally i prefer the third from the top
hopfully we move forward on that topic now.
br gnokii
We love the Fedora FUDCon model. Just as JBoss did with JUDCon, I'd
like to start a new users and developers-focused conference around
cloud efforts that relate to Fedora and, by effect, Red Hat's cloud
and virtualization efforts.
Not-so-tentatively called CUDCon, "Ruminate with us about clouds!",
the Cloud Users and Developers Conference (beginning) idea is:
* Go alongside an existing FUDCon.
** Existing base of users and developers who are naturally interested
in the technical focus of CUDCon.
** Attract wider range and more sponsorship.
** Cross-seed people and talks so cloud-related talks at FUDCon are
also part of CUDCon.
** Grow attendance at FUDCon by bringing in cloud-focused people who
might not otherwise attend.
* Bring in open community cloud efforts of all backgrounds that are
built on an open source stack that include Fedora or its
remixes/downstreams such as RHEL, CentOS, etc.
** Nice-sized ecosystem without saying, "Everyone and everything."
** Sponsors should (MUST?) come from that milieu - be contributors to
open community cloud efforts that fit within the Fedora/RHEL
* Participation point for upstream components that could play in/run
on Fedora-family technology.
I'd like to run the first mini-CUDCon as a cloud track for FUDCon
Milan, then the first full-CUDCon at FUDCon Blacksburg 2012. (I'll be
contacting those organizers separately from here.) I'm interested in
your reaction to this idea before I get too much farther. :)
There are a few reasons for doing a stand-alone conference brand from
FUDCon and Fedora. One of these is that it's harder to argue that some
cloud efforts fit within FUDCon. For example, Red Hat's OpenShift is
built from Fedora-sourced components, on an open source architecture
that includes Fedora technologies, but it is not yet entirely open
source, so it doesn't have (m)any components in the Fedora package
repo. Some open cloud communities may want to play in the Fedora space
even if there isn't going to be a pure set of packages to
install. CUDCon is a place to have these crossover discussions, as a
catalyst and sowing-of-grass for future efforts.
* People who may think, "Our open source cloud software is not in
Fedora, so FUDCon isn't for us."
** They benefit from exposure to FUDCon.
** Way to include increased cloud interest without diluting or
distracting the FUDCon focus.
** Cross-seeding with FUDCon possible but no mandatory, more relaxed
exchange of ideas.
* Fedora-family of developers, administrators, and users (including
RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux).
* Open source cloud enthusiasts.
** Folks who are interested in learning or teaching about open source
* Individuals or organizations developing and deploying in the cloud.
* Software companies with one or more open source cloud components in
their stack.
I'll be updating the proposal based on feedback and planning, so watch
this wiki page:
- Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
uri: http://communityleadershipteam.orghttp://TheOpenSourceWay.org
gpg: AD0E0C41
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rahul Sundaram" <metherid(a)gmail.com>
> To: "FUDCon/FAD planning group" <fudcon-planning(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>, "Fedora India"
> <india(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 7:45:00 PM
> Subject: FUDCon India Aug 19th meeting postponed
> I am going to postpone the meeting since Jared is on a break[1].
> [1] http://www.jaredsmith.net/2011/08/18/alpha-is-a-go-and-so-is-a-short-break-…
Thanks Rahul for this useful information :)
Now I know why my questions in the ticket #167 on fudcon-planning Trac
has not been replied yet (so late, although it's a bit urgent).
I will wait for him.
Kind regards,
I am going to postpone the meeting since Jared is on a break[1]. We
haven't run the face to face meeting last Tuesday either and I don't
have many updates. There are a few pending sponsorship requests that we
can process next week. If anyone needs anything done urgently, let me
know. Meanwhile the FUDCon website[2] has been updated thanks to
Tatica and Shrink. There are a few obvious typos like the dates and so
on but this is a great start and if you have any feedback, drop a note
[2] http://fudcon.fedoraproject.org/
#165: Funding request for Abdel Martínez
Reporter: potty | Owner:
Type: Funding request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: FUDCon APAC 2011 | Keywords:
* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X,
travel $Y)
Air Ticket, Stay
* If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful?
* If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate
your attendance.
* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as
possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.)
Share my programming (Python, Java), packaging (RPM), speaking
(Ambassador, Campus Ambassador), project management experiences and
present some hints and tricks.
* If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such
as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also
let us know if you have specific time restrictions.
I do not have time restrictions.
* Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend
FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take?
Yes. No more than a month.
* Include any additional, relevant information.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/165>
fudcon-planning <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon>
FUDCon event planning
#164: Funding request for Guillermo Gomez (Gomix)
Reporter: gomix | Owner:
Type: Funding request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: FUDCon EMEA 2011 | Keywords:
* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X,
travel $Y)
Airfare: Bs.F. 9.517 ~ 2.200 US$
Lodging: regular meals (i dont have acces to foreing currency so its
important) and transportation.
* If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful?
Sadly, No
* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon?
1.- Meet EMEA Fedora Board members and get first hand impressions from
EMEA users and developers as well as hear their expectations about Fedora
actual and future direction and goals.
2.- Presents LATAM perspective and experience as the region where Linux
has better penetration rates and what should we do about it(~6%)
3.- Promote rpmdev efforts as a Fedora University for new comers,
packaging hackfest.
4.- Promote Ruby@Fedora and meet Fedora rubyists, Ruby Coding Dojo.
5.- Act as Fedora Spanish community representative. State review on
spanish-lang comm.
* If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such
as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also
let us know if you have specific time restrictions.
Air Europa, Flight # 72
Caracas (CCS)29 Sep 2011 19:35 > Madrid, Barajas (MAD)30 Sep 2011 10:55
Coneccting flight in Madrid: waiting time 3hs. 35min
Air Europa Flight #3099
Madrid, Barajas (MAD)30 Sep 2011 14:30 > Milán, Linate (LIN)30 Sep 2011
Air Europa, Flight # 3100
Milán, Linate (LIN)3 Oct 2011 11:25 > Madrid, Barajas (MAD)3 Oct 2011
Connecting flight in Madrid: waiting time 1h
Air Europa, Flight # 71
Madrid, Barajas (MAD)3 Oct 2011 14:40 > Caracas, Aeropuerto Internacional
Simon Bolivar (CCS)3 Oct 2011 17:20
* Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend
FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take?
No visa required.
* Include any additional, relevant information.
No problem sharing a room.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/164>
fudcon-planning <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon>
FUDCon event planning
#211: Funding request for Dan Horák
Reporter: sharkcz | Owner: fcrippa
Type: Funding request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Keywords:
* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X,
travel $Y)
=> hotel = 82 EUR (~$120) per night in double-bed room (2 nights),
travel = ~$180 for one place in shared car
* If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful?
* If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate
your attendance.
=> partial subsidy is acceptable, minimum $200
* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as
possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.)
=> I'm the maintainer for s390x Secondary architecture in Fedora and we
are planning a meeting with other architectures maintainers and also
present the results to other participants -
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/211>
fudcon-planning <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon>
FUDCon event planning
>> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Pune_2011_poster
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_of_Engineering,_Pune> shows that
> there is a ',' (a comma) between Engineering and Pune. Is that the
> acceptable way of writing it ?
> Is it possible to modify the "General Management and Governance" and,
> make it read "Security Spin and System Administration" ? The reason being
> the over-emphasis on Governance with Community Building being the
> immediately previous item.
The change has been made already at respective locations. I hope its fine now.