#412: FADNA and FUDCon Funding for Jon Disnard (irc: masta, fas:parasense) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: parasense | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Requested Component: FUDCon | Keywords: Lawrence 2013 | Blocking: Blocked By: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.
Tell us the following:
* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X, travel $Y.)
~520 miles from Dallas to Lawrence. That is about two tanks of fuel for my vehicle each way. Then another tank while in Lawrence.
Where one gallon of premium fuel costs 3.50, and the fuel tank is ~19 gallon capacity, multiplied by 5x fueling.
(3.50 x 19 x 5) == $332.5
Please note that I'll be arriving one day early for Ambassadors activity day.
Check-in: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 (03:00 PM) Check-out: Sunday, January 20, 2013 (12:00 PM)
$119 per night plus taxes and fees.
HOTEL == 537.17
TRAVEL == 332.5
**total 869.67**
* If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No?)
* If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate your attendance.
* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.)
As NA Ambassador we plan to get work done ahead of FUDcon in our yearly FAD. We are going to be determining what existing events to continue sending ambassadors and budgeting, and also what new events we might like to add budget.
We are going to be having a wiki hackathon to get things cleaned up, and better organized. Also, and of course, we plan to discuss swag, and all the swagy things Ambassadors get involved with. We will be going over the budget.
I'm part of the Fedora-arm team, and for the majority of FudCon I'm planning to spe3nd time with the Secondary arches SIG to work on lots of things.
* We are going to be having an Aarch64 hackathon to bring-up 64bit ARM computers. * We are going to have a "remixathon" to see who can churn out a really compelling ARM spin. * Planning the build system migration to PHX using the Calxeda servers. * Planning the final release before the big push and promotion to of ARM to PA.
* If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also let us know if you have specific time restrictions.
* Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take?
* Include any additional, relevant information.
If anybody is in the DFW area, I'd be happy to give them a ride, or be a passenger myself to further reduce costs.
#412: FADNA and FUDCon Funding for Jon Disnard (irc: masta, fas:parasense) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: parasense | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by ianweller):
* milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Requested => Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Granted
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2012-12-21/fudcon- planning.2012-12-21-18.01.html
Please book your hotel today!
#412: FADNA and FUDCon Funding for Jon Disnard (irc: masta, fas:parasense) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: parasense | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
Comment (by rbergero):
Please note that we will need RECEIPTS from ALL of your gas trips for FUDCon to be able to reimburse you!!
#412: FADNA and FUDCon Funding for Jon Disnard (irc: masta, fas:parasense) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: parasense | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: closed request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: invalid Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => invalid
This ticket is being closed because the FUDCon event to which it applies already happened. If this is an error, please accept my apologies, and feel free to reopen the ticket.