#168: Funding request for Constantin DRABO (pandaconstantin) -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: pandaconstantin | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: new Priority: trivial | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Keywords: -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Tell us the following:
''' * What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X, travel $Y)'''
Travel : $600 Hotel + food : $800
'''* If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No)''' No
* If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate your attendance.
'''* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.)'''
* Presentation of Java technologies and Fedora OS (How Java + Fedora can help software industries) * Presentation of Fedora capabilities for RCP (Rich Client Application) application ( How Fedora can help RCP developer to build robust application using the power of Fedora) * Share with other ambassador how to build a solid Fedora Community in Burkina Faso
'''* If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also let us know if you have specific time restrictions.'''
I need arrival airport from Ouagadougou ( Burkina Faso). I'll take a Air France flight.
''' * Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take?'''
2 weeks
'''* Include any additional, relevant information.''' I'm living in Burkina Faso ( West Africa). This FudCon is a big opportunity to share experience with other EMEA Fedora ambassadors.I'm waiting from this meeting tips and tools to enhance Linux association in my country. I funded a Java User Group which gather open source fun guys. I would like to be an advocate of Fedora spirit among Java world.
#168: Funding request for Constantin DRABO (pandaconstantin) -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: pandaconstantin | Owner: jsmith Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: trivial | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Changes (by jsmith):
* owner: => jsmith * status: new => assigned
This ticket was approved in the August 2nd subsidy meeting. We've agreed to pay for up to 1100 Euros in airfare plus three nights in the hotel, as well as up to 100 Euros for meals.
#168: Funding request for Constantin DRABO (pandaconstantin) -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: pandaconstantin | Owner: jsmith Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: trivial | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Comment (by pandaconstantin):
I missed the meeting of 8th . I would like to know if the ticket is still approuved, because I did not see it among the list of approuved tickets in the log. Thanks , Constantin DRABO
#168: Funding request for Constantin DRABO (pandaconstantin) -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: pandaconstantin | Owner: jsmith Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: trivial | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Comment (by rbergero):
This airfare has been purchased. Total cost was $1503.99, or 1070.61 EUR.
#168: Funding request for Constantin DRABO (pandaconstantin) -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: pandaconstantin | Owner: jsmith Type: Funding request | Status: closed Priority: trivial | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* status: assigned => closed * resolution: => fixed
I'm closing this ticket, as airfare has been purchased, event is over.