#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon APAC 2011 | Keywords: ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Tell us the following:
* As of now, hotel is needed (~$270). I may be able to ride with someone from Raleigh * If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? Yes * A minimum would be $70 * What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.) * I am planning on running a hackfest for AutoQA, and will probably attend another one depending on timing.
* Learning about Wiki editing from Ian would be a big plus, as this is not quite my strong suit.
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon APAC 2011 | Resolution: wontfix Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => wontfix
This trac is for getting funding to FUDCons, and not for Ambassador funding to regional events.
Please add yourself to the event wiki page (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SELF_2011) so that your funding/roomshare can be added to the budget list and approved at the next Ambassadors' meeting.
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon APAC 2011 | Resolution: wontfix Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Comment (by jdulaney):
This is a request for a FUDCon, specifically Blacksburg (of course, by then I may not need it, I figured I'd put in the request early and if I wind up not needing it, I would close it). SELF is already taken care of.
Thanks much -John
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* status: closed => reopened * resolution: wontfix => * component: FUDCon APAC 2011 => FUDCon Blacksburg 2012
Congrats, you're our first ticket for that event. I've set up a component for it and reset that here.
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Comment (by jdulaney):
Thanks much.
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Comment (by adamwill):
if we're allowed to cheerlead - John is doing awesome work on QA lately. I know I'd love to get together at FUDCon and I'm sure Tim Flink would say the same. +1 for John!
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* milestone: => Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: na-meeting | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Changes (by irabinovitch):
* keywords: => na-meeting
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: na-meeting | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Comment (by rbergero):
Agreed to fund in 2011-11-09 meeting for $189 (4 nights of shared room). Let us know if you need helping finding a ride.
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: Type: Funding request | Status: reopened Priority: normal | Milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidies Granted Component: FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* keywords: na-meeting => * milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested => Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidies Granted
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: rbergero Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Blacksburg 2012 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* owner: => rbergero * status: reopened => new
John - can you link in any blog posts, etc. from the event into this ticket, so we can close it? Thanks!
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: rbergero Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Blacksburg 2012 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
Comment (by jdulaney):
Roger, that:
http://jdulaney.wordpress.com/2012/01/10/fudcon-blacksburg-2012-is-nearly- here/
#163: Funding request for John Dulaney (jdulaney) -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: rbergero Type: Funding | Status: closed request | Milestone: Paris 2012: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Requested Component: FUDCon | Resolution: fixed Blacksburg 2012 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by rbergero):
* milestone: => Paris 2012: Travel Subsidies Requested * resolution: => fixed * status: new => closed
Closing ticket.