#216: Funding request for Srishti Sethi -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: srishakatux | Owner: fcrippa Type: Funding request | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon Milan 2011 | Keywords: -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.
Tell us the following:
* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X, travel $Y)$X + $Y = $X + $Y = 130$ * If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No) Yes * If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate your attendance. INR 6500/- * What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.) I am planning to give a talk on Cute hacks with PyGoocanvas. Listed it on talk page. * If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also let us know if you have specific time restrictions. Flight information Go Air G8-368 Departure : Thu, 03 Nov Bangalore Arrival : Mon, 07 Nov Pune Airfare : INR 4319 * Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take? No * Include any additional, relevant information. I received an invitation from Marina Zhurakhinskaya from Red Hat to attend FUDCon India.I am GNOME contributor and GSOC 2011 student.
#216: Funding request for Srishti Sethi -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: srishakatux | Owner: sundaram Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon India 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Changes (by sundaram):
* owner: fcrippa => sundaram * status: new => assigned * component: FUDCon Milan 2011 => FUDCon India 2011
We just finished a FUDCon India meeting. Reassigning from Milan to India as stated in the ticket. We will discuss about your sponsorship on 2nd of September, coming Friday at 6:30 PM IST in #fudcon-planning, irc.freenode.net. You are welcome to join the meeting. Meanwhile, you can login to #fedora-india
#216: Funding request for Srishti Sethi -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: srishakatux | Owner: sundaram Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon India 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Comment (by jsmith):
In the September 23rd FUDCon planning meeting, it was decied to go ahead and approve this subsidy request. We're trying to see if the GNOME Foundation will pay for it. Otherwise, we'll cover it from the FUDCon budget.
Please send Rahul Sundaram an email with your full name (as it appears on your passport or other identification), date of birth, telephone number, and he'll make sure you get your airline tickets purchased.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me or add a comment to this ticket.
#216: Funding request for Srishti Sethi -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: srishakatux | Owner: sundaram Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon India 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Comment (by sundaram):
submit your talk to http://fudcon.in so that we can schedule it
#216: Funding request for Srishti Sethi -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: srishakatux | Owner: sundaram Type: Funding request | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon India 2011 | Resolution: Keywords: | -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Comment (by sundaram):
can you kindly attach the scanned copies of your boarding passes? Thanks
#216: Funding request for Srishti Sethi -------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: srishakatux | Owner: sundaram Type: Funding request | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: FUDCon India 2011 | Resolution: invalid Keywords: | -------------------------------+----------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* status: assigned => closed * resolution: => invalid
This ticket is being closed because the FUDCon event to which it applies already happened. If this is an error, please accept my apologies, and feel free to reopen the ticket.