#402: Funding request for YOUR_NAME_HERE ---------------------------+----------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Priority: normal | Keywords: Component: FUDCon | Blocking: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: | ---------------------------+----------------------------------------------- Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.
Tell us the following:
* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X, travel $Y.) Hotel for four nights (Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun), willing to room share, in discussions with LMR (waiting to see if he can go). Also, travel via Amtrak comes out to $476 round-trip.
* If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No?)
* If Yes, specify the minimum amount you need covered to facilitate your attendance. Hotel room or travel expense
* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible, since this is the most important factor in granting requests.) AutoQA work, continue integrating with fedmsg, as well as work with Tim Flink etc. on Fedora Build Service
* If you are requesting airfare, include complete flight information such as flight numbers, desired departure and arrival airports, and times. Also let us know if you have specific time restrictions. Depart Fayetteville, NC Via Silver Meteor at 12:45 AM 18 Jan., arriving in Lawrence at 11:52 PM Thurs, Jan 17. Depart 5:47 AM 21 Jan to arrive back in Fayetteville 1:34 AM 23 Jan.
* Do you need a visa or other official processing before you can attend FUDCon? If so, approximately how long does that processing take? No
* Include any additional, relevant information. FUDCons are awesome!
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Priority: normal | Resolution: Component: FUDCon | Blocked By: Lawrence 2013 | Keywords: | Blocking: | --------------------------+------------------------------------------------
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Priority: normal | Resolution: Component: FUDCon | Blocked By: Lawrence 2013 | Keywords: | Blocking: | --------------------------+------------------------------------------------
Comment (by rbergero):
Departing on 18 Jan, arriving on 17 Jan? Are you sure the Silver Meteor isn't a DeLorean? :D
Did you mean Jan 16, or some other date?
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Priority: normal | Resolution: Component: FUDCon | Blocked By: Lawrence 2013 | Keywords: | Blocking: | --------------------------+------------------------------------------------
Comment (by jdulaney):
Yes, I meant 16 January.
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested Priority: normal | Resolution: Component: FUDCon | Blocked By: Lawrence 2013 | Keywords: | Blocking: | --------------------------+------------------------------------------------
Comment (by jdulaney):
Lucas said that room share with him is a go.
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Requested Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by jdulaney):
* milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidy Requested => Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Requested
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Requested Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
Comment (by rbergero):
This was approved in the FUDCon Subsidy Meeting on 2012-11-15.
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon- planning/2012-11-15/fudcon_lawrence_subsidy_meeting.2012-11-15-20.23.html
I am buying the ticket now.
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Requested Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------
Comment (by rbergero):
This is now purchased. Total was $470.
Keeping this ticket open so we can remember to pay half of your room.
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidies Granted Priority: normal | Resolution: Component: FUDCon | Blocked By: Lawrence 2013 | Keywords: | Blocking: | --------------------------+------------------------------------------------ Changes (by rsuehle):
* milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Requested => KL 2012: Travel Subsidies Granted
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: new request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by rsuehle):
* milestone: KL 2012: Travel Subsidies Granted => Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Granted
#402: Funding request for John Dulaney -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jdulaney | Owner: ianweller Type: Funding | Status: closed request | Milestone: Lawrence 2013: Travel Subsidies Priority: normal | Granted Component: FUDCon | Resolution: invalid Lawrence 2013 | Blocked By: Keywords: | Blocking: | -------------------------+------------------------------------------------- Changes (by pfrields):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => invalid
This ticket is being closed because the FUDCon event to which it applies already happened. If this is an error, please accept my apologies, and feel free to reopen the ticket.