Hello all!
It looks like there is some serious issue with keyboard layouts in
Fedora 12. GDM isn't able to pick up the correct layout from install or
from a kickstart script.
I wasn't able figure it out, so maybe you can help.
It is filed as bug #519739:
Igor Pires Soares
A heads-up about the i18n Test Day scheduled for Thursday this week.
We invite and encourage people to participate in testing
the coming Fedora 12's i18n support and reporting any problems.
The main focus is general everyday application usage:
display and input of native text, and printing.
Thank you,
Jens Petersen
astur wrote:
> Thank you Piotr!
> a few hours ago, I received a mail that confirm that our group (Asturian) has
> been added in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Teams
> I can't find the Asturian team in:
> https://translate.fedoraproject.org/languages/
> I noticed that you said: "You have to follow some steps from [2] to have the
> ability to translate Fedora into your language."
> [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/LanguageSupportCriteria
> I follow the link, but i'm not sure about what must I do now...
> can anyone help me?
Adding Fedora i18n team in the CC to provide help here.
Can we have URLs at [2] against each requirement of Language Support Criteria,
that helps one to understand what to do next to get it done?
e.g. if "Support in Unicode" is not there for a new language, what is the action
to be taken to get the "Support in Unicode" for a new language. a URL providing
these info should be helpful enough I guess.
Astur, I think you can start translating Fedora packages for your language
without waiting for I18n Language Support Criteria to be met, since I can see
majority of the criteria are already met for your language.
Ankit Patel