I have some suggestion based on
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=825081 for Kannada script.
I observed in Kannada script after applying vowels U, UU significant
change happens in overall rendering.
We need some guideline. Since at one hand we have limitation for not
adding x*x combinations and same time we have to add all those
combination creating confusion to developers.
Proposed guideline: Add <cons+haln+cons+matra> under condition when
applying <matra> to <cons+haln+cons> combination create signification
difference/variance than applying <matra> applied to single <cons>.
Pravin Satpute
Customize shortcut keys for IBus 1.5 <http://desktopi18n.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/customize-shortcut-keys-for-ibu…>
via DesktopI18N's Blog <http://desktopi18n.wordpress.com> by fujiwara on 5/28/12
Currently ibus- is provided in Fedora 17 or later
If you use the old version, you could update the ibus packages below
# yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing ibus ibus-gnome3
Currently the default trigger key is “<Control>space”. Since I don’t port the engine hotkeys from ibus 1.4, the hotkey is common between engines. I
know Hangul trigger key is important for Korean language so I added a workaround on Korean locale (ko_KR.UTF-8) in Fedora 17.
If you don’t change the default trigger key “<Control>space” and the current locale is ko_KR.UTF-8, ibus assigns two trigger key “Hangul” and “Alt_R”.
The dconf key “/desktop/ibus/general/hotkey/trigger-ko” is added newly.
If you customize the trigger key with ibus-setup, the workaround won’t be used.
I also try to summarize the customization of ibus trigger keys for ibus 1.5.
ibus-setup in Fedora 17 shows the following GUI.
Image <http://desktopi18n.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ibus-setup-for-1-5.png>
Currently the GUI customization is not implemented yet so you need to type the trigger keys in “Enable or disable” entry box directly and push “Apply”
button and ibus needs to be restarted.
The modifier keys (default is “< Control>) do not have the left or right status so the control modifier is expressed as “<Control>”. You also could
use “<Shift>” and “<Alt>” and so on.
(ibus 1.5 uses gtk_accelerator_parse internally)
The accelerator keys without brackets (default is ‘space’) are expressed as the keysym. You could check it with ‘xev’ command. It means the
accelerator keys have the left and right state.
If you wish to set multiple trigger keys, you could type them separated by semi colon “;”.
If you wish to set “<Alt>grave” and use both us and jp keyboard, it requires a considerable attention.
ibus uses XI2 keybinding (i.e. XIGrabKeycode()) and it needs keycodes instead of keysyms and then the order of XKB group layouts is important. The
first keycode is used so you need to set the order of us, jp because jp keyboard has “Zenkaku_Hankaku” on the position of “grave” and the jp
“Zenkaku_Hankaku” and us “grave” have the same keycode.
So if you set the order of jp, us, the “<Alt>grave” won’t be enabled.
The order can be decided by the ‘gnome-control-center region’ on GNOME desktop:
Image <http://desktopi18n.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/g-c-c-region.png>
After set the order of XKB layouts, you could confirm it reflects the current order by ‘ibus-xkb’ command. (Maybe you need to stop ibus)
% /usr/libexec/ibus-xkb --get
layout: us,jp
variant: ,
option: ctrl:swapcaps,grp:alt_shift_toggle,compose:rctrl
And then “<Alt>grave” could switch ibus engines.
(When you set the order of jp, us, “<Alt>Zenkaku_Hankaku; <Alt>grave” could resolve the problem at the moment. Probably I need to know if XI2 has no
plan to support keysyms.)
Hi, all
I will upgrade to a new git snapshot for sunpinyin. Because fcitx-sunpinyin
is depending on the latest git version sunpinyin. So I try to upgrade it. I
make a scratch build for rawhide on koji. It works.
http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=4073155 I will build it
normally for rawhide. If there is no serious bug, It will push into f17 and
f16 branch.
The patch written by Peng Wu and Fujiwara does not work on new source code.
I will drop it. I don't know what it solves. If you need it, please fix it
and write a new patch for sunpinyin.
And later, I will submit a new review request for fcitx-sunpinyin.
Thank you.
Sent From My Heart
My Page: http://www.liangsuilong.info