#36: review gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages
Reporter: petersen | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
= phenomenon =
GNOME has plans to redesign Region and Languages in gnome-control-center.
I thought it would be good to have more of us look over this and review
so that we can provide early timely feedback on the planned design
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
#43: I18n FAD in 2015
Reporter: pravins | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Discussing whether it is possible ot have FAD targeting on
internationalization activity. Most of the things depends upon.
1. Budget
2. Availability of members.
3. Task At Hand.
Lets discuss possible dates and location for FAD.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
#51: Fedora 23 Workstation Tasks
Reporter: petersen | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
contains a list of Fedora Workstation tasks for F23.
It is good to review it and see how we can contribute
more to the Fedora Workstation effort.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/51>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
#49: Internationalization talking points for Fedora 22
Reporter: pravins | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Fedora 22 final freeze on 12th May and is going to release on 26th May.
This is good time to write regarding improvements in Fedora 22
specifically from internationalization perspectives.
Lets talk how we can collaborate for same.
Few points,
1. Change proposals. Also available on http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-
2. Doc beats. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/49>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day
Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
= description =
Early open a ticket to keep things on track so that we are planning to
move to the TestdayApp in this cycle. this is a good opportunity to clean
up the test cases too.
= reason =
We ensure our supported languages are working fine on GA. so we all should
join the test event and feedback to improve the release for i18n
= recommendation/goal =
There should be some tasks to accomplish our test day event.
1. Move to the TestdayApp for tracking the results.
2. Clean up test cases to have efficient testing event.
3. Update the test cases to match the latest behavior on a release.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/42>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
#48: Discussion on Badge design for i18n group contributors
Reporter: pravins | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
= phenomenon =
We have proposed new badge for i18n group contributors. "You are a proud
member of Fedora Internationalization team".
Need review on badge design proposed by blackfile.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/48>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
We had bi-weekly i18n meeting today. Following are the minutes:
#fedora-meeting: i18n
Meeting started by pravins at 06:00:46 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (pravins, 06:00:54)
* LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-22-released/ (pravins,
* ACTION: pravins to test F22 with external keyboard and mouse.
(pravins, 06:06:32)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-05-27
(pravins, 06:06:48)
* Upcoming schedule (pravins, 06:06:53)
* 2015-06-23 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline
(System Wide Changes) (pravins, 06:07:12)
* New topics (pravins, 06:09:41)
* #50: Feature/Change planning for Fedora 23 (pravins) (pravins,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/50 (pravins, 06:09:52)
* IDEA: try to switch default Traditional Chinese IME to
ibus-libzhuyin (pravins, 06:12:32)
* IDEA: locales sub-packaging with glibc team (pravins, 06:12:59)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist
(paragan, 06:14:37)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist :- Wayland
- IBUS it mentions ueno as well (pravins, 06:18:19)
* IDEA: Wayland IM for F23. (pravins, 06:20:18)
* AGREED: for Change proposal of "Switch default Traditional Chinese
IME to ibus-libzhuyin" (pravins, 06:20:35)
* IDEA: Audit of default fonts for languages in Fedora 23 (pravins,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 "gnome redesign plans
for control-center Region and Languages" (pravins, 06:25:24)
* IDEA: Gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages
(pravins, 06:27:42)
* IDEA: going through cloud and server todo list. Test/use cloud and
server and see whats missing from i18n. (pravins, 06:31:27)
* IDEA: updating glibc localedata to Unicode 8.0.0 if releases in F23
development cycle (pravins, 06:34:40)
* LINK: http://blog.unicode.org/2015/03/unicode-80-beta-review.html
(pravins, 06:34:43)
* IDEA: IBus improvements for KDE5 (pravins, 06:35:57)
* #40: Fedora 22 Changes (pravins) (pravins, 06:37:45)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/40 (pravins, 06:37:49)
* AGREED: to close this Fedora 22 Change ticket #40 (pravins,
* #43: I18n FAD in 2015 (pravins) (pravins, 06:40:35)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 (pravins, 06:40:39)
* #49: Internationalization talking points for Fedora 22 (pravins)
(pravins, 06:50:55)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/49 (pravins, 06:50:58)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_22_talking_points
(pravins, 06:51:11)
* ACTION: Pravin to add points in talking points. (pravins, 06:52:33)
* Open Floor (pravins, 06:56:05)
Meeting ended at 07:00:53 UTC.
Action Items
* pravins to test F22 with external keyboard and mouse.
* Pravin to add points in talking points.
People Present (lines said)
* pravins (110)
* juhp (23)
* paragan (9)
* mfabian (6)
* epico (5)
* tagoh_ (4)
* zodbot (4)
* fujiwarat (2)
* ueno (1)
* aeng (1)
Hi All,
Lets have our first meeting soon and see what can we do together. I have
prepared piratepad page [1] for agenda. Do add points from your side into
agenda page.
Our earlier doodle page for selecting suitable time had some issues with
timezone. I have deleted old one and created new one. [2] Please select
suitable time for you.
Based on responses we will do final meeting announcement by Tuesday 2nd
If anyone still missing bus on g11n, please see thread [3] :)
Pravin Satpute
1. http://piratepad.net/g11n-agenda
2. http://doodle.com/9htx68pug5azzqx6
3. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2015-May/011994.html