just thought it may be a good idea to put the packages list anywhere, which fonts are used for aliases by default. so I'm trying to generate the list from comps and the fontconfig file (to see the priority and the alias) in a package.
Here is the list genereated:
That doesn't contain all of font packages but only font packages marked as "mandatory" or "default" in comps. also sorted out against the fontconfig priority.
Also the source code is available at:
I'm not checking everything so it might be wrong in some cases. any volunteers to check are always welcome :)
Cheers, -- Akira TAGOH
Le Lun 20 décembre 2010 12:31, Akira TAGOH a écrit :
just thought it may be a good idea to put the packages list anywhere, which fonts are used for aliases by default. so I'm trying to generate the list from comps and the fontconfig file (to see the priority and the alias) in a package.
Here is the list genereated:
Doesn't resolve right now :(
That doesn't contain all of font packages but only font packages marked as "mandatory" or "default" in comps. also sorted out against the fontconfig priority.
Bur the idea is nice. Would you be ok with adding this to fontpackages-tools? (I can get you git/pkgdb access if you don't have it yet)
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:20:00 +0100, "NM" == "Nicolas Mailhot" nicolas.mailhot@laposte.net wrote:
NM> Le Lun 20 décembre 2010 12:31, Akira TAGOH a écrit :
just thought it may be a good idea to put the packages list anywhere, which fonts are used for aliases by default. so I'm trying to generate the list from comps and the fontconfig file (to see the priority and the alias) in a package.
Here is the list genereated:
NM> Doesn't resolve right now :(
My bad.. that should be: http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultinstalledfonts.html
That doesn't contain all of font packages but only font packages marked as "mandatory" or "default" in comps. also sorted out against the fontconfig priority.
NM> Bur the idea is nice. Would you be ok with adding this to fontpackages-tools? NM> (I can get you git/pkgdb access if you don't have it yet)
Sure. no problem.
-- Akira TAGOH
This may also helps to clean up comps to have the certain number of packages per aliases for default perhaps.
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:28:52 +0900 (JST), "AT" == Akira TAGOH tagoh@redhat.com wrote:
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:20:00 +0100, "NM" == "Nicolas Mailhot" nicolas.mailhot@laposte.net wrote:
NM> Le Lun 20 décembre 2010 12:31, Akira TAGOH a écrit :
just thought it may be a good idea to put the packages list anywhere, which fonts are used for aliases by default. so I'm trying to generate the list from comps and the fontconfig file (to see the priority and the alias) in a package.
Here is the list genereated:
NM> Doesn't resolve right now :(
AT> My bad.. that should be: AT> http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultinstalledfonts.html
That doesn't contain all of font packages but only font packages marked as "mandatory" or "default" in comps. also sorted out against the fontconfig priority.
NM> Bur the idea is nice. Would you be ok with adding this to fontpackages-tools? NM> (I can get you git/pkgdb access if you don't have it yet)
AT> Sure. no problem.
AT> -- AT> Akira TAGOH
The improved fonts table is available at: http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultfonts.html
old one wasn't a bit useful because there are no way to know what exactly the font is default. so I've put the font name in the table this time.
I'm not planning to do mass-filing-a-bug for languages not having any fonts in any generic names, because this generator doesn't refer the default rule in fontconfig so far and the default latin fonts might be sufficient for that. though that may be good to add it into the certain language group in comps to make sure if the expected fonts are certainly installed for language. dunno.
However some fonts seems not having any fontconfig config files. so that may be worth filing a bug perhaps.
Finally the latest source code is available in fontpackages git repo now. thanks Nicolas for this offer.
Enjoy, -- Akira TAGOH
I'm trying to validate the result of the fonts table. if anyone has any answer for the question, please follow up on the mail. the result may be too long. I dropped when the actual result is same with the table.
For the legend:
! need attention Q question X different result with the table
* ethiopic-support (am) !! sans-serif: "Abyssinica SIL" !! monospace: "Abyssinica SIL" QQ missing assignment of sans-serif, monospace or missing packages in comps.
* arabic-support (ar) XX serif: "PakType Naqsh" QQ status conflict between fonts group and arabic-support for kacst-*-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ sil-scheherazade-fonts was picked up from persian-support though it's used prior to anything packages installed by default for Arabic.
* assamese-support (as) XX sans-serif(as): "Lohit Bengali" !! serif(as): "Lohit Bengali" !! monospace(as): "Lohit Bengali" !! serif(as-in): "Lohit Bengali" !! monospace(as-in): "Lohit Bengali" QQ looking up with lang=as seems not giving us the expected result but lang=as-in is ok. QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* bengali-support (bn) !! serif: "Lohit Bengali" !! monospace: "Lohit Bengali" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* tibetan-support (bo) !! sans-serif: "Jomolhari" !! serif: "Jomolhari" !! monospace: "Jomolhari" QQ status conflict between fonts group and tibetan-support for tibetan-machine-uni-fonts in comps (optional vs mandatory) QQ missing assignment of sans-serif, serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* bhutanese-support (dz) !! sans-serif: "Jomolhari" !! serif: "Jomolhari" !! monospace: "Jomolhari" QQ missing assignment of sans-serif, serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* persian-support (fa) !! sans-serif: "DejaVu Sans" XX serif: "PakType Naqsh" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans Mono" QQ status conflict betwen fonts group and persian-support for sil-scheherazade-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of sans-serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* gujarati-support (gu) XX serif: "Lohit Gujarati" !! monospace: "Lohit Gujarati" QQ status conflict between fonts group and gujarati-support for samyak-gujarati-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* hebrew-support (he) XX serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans" QQ status conflict between fonts group and hebrew-support for culmus-*-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* hindi-support (hi) XX serif: "Lohit Devanagari" !! monospace: "Lohit Devanagari" QQ status conflict between fonts group and hindi-support for samyak-devanagari-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* armenian-support (hy) !! serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* inuktitut-support (iu) !! serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* japanese-support (ja) !! serif: "VL Gothic" QQ missing assignment of serif or missing packages in comps.
* georgian-support (ka) QQ status conflict between fonts group and georgian-support for bpg-{chveulebrivi,courier,glaho}-fonts in comps (optional vs default)
* khmer-support (km) !! serif: "Khmer OS" !! monospace: "Khmer OS" QQ status conflict between fonts group and khmer-support for khmeros-{battambang,bokor,handwritten,metal-chrieng,muol,siemreap}-fonts in comps. QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* kannada-support (kn) !! serif: "Lohit Kannada" !! monospace: "Lohit Kannada" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* korean-support (ko) XX serif: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" XX monospace: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" QQ status conflict between fonts group and korean-support for un-core-{batang,dinaru,graphic,gungseo,pilgi}-fonts in comps. QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* konkani-support (kok) !! serif: "Lohit Devanagari" !! monospace: "Lohit Devanagari" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* kashmiri-support (ks) XX sans-serif: "PakType Naqsh" !! serif: "PakType Naqsh" !! monospace: "PakType Naqsh" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps. QQ paktype-naqsh-fonts affects to kashmiri-support
* kurdish-support (ku) XX sans-serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! serif: "DejaVu Serif" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans Mono" QQ status conflict between fonts group and kurdish-support for kurdit-unikurd-web-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* lao-support (lo) !! serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* maithili-support (mai) !! serif: "Lohit Devanagari" !! monospace: "Lohit Devanagari" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* malayalam-support (ml) XX serif: "Meera" !! monospace: "Meera" QQ status conflict between fonts group and malayalam-support for samyak-malayalam-fonts, smc-*-fonts in comps. (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* marathi-support (mr) XX serif: "Lohit Devanagari" !! monospace: "Lohit Devanagari" QQ status conflict between fonts group and marathi-support for samyak-devanagari-fonts in comps. (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* burmese-support (my) !! serif: "Padauk" !! monospace: "Padauk" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* nepali-support (ne) !! serif: "Lohit Devanagari" !! monospace: "Lohit Devanagari" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* oriya-support (or) XX serif: "Lohit Oriya" !! monospace: "Lohit Oriya" QQ status conflict between fonts group and oriya-support for samyak-oriya-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* punjabi-support (pa) XX serif: "Lohit Punjabi" !! monospace: "Lohit Punjabi" QQ status conflict between fonts group and punjabi-support for saab-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* russian-support (ru) XX sans-serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! serif: "DejaVu Serif" !! monospace: "DejaVu Sans Mono" QQ dejavu-sans-fonts affects to russian-support QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* sindhi-support (sd) XX sans-serif: "DejaVu Sans" !! serif: "PakType Naqsh" !! monospace: "PakType Naqsh" QQ dejavu-sans-fonts affects to sindhi-support QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* sinhala-support (si) !! serif: "LKLUG" !! monospace: "LKLUG" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* tamil-support (ta) XX serif: "Lohit Tamil" !! monospace: "Lohit Tamil" QQ status conflict between fonts group and tamil-support for samyak-tamil-fonts and serafettin-cartoon-fonts in comps (optional vs default) QQ missing assignment of monospace or missing packages in comps.
* telugu-support (te) !! serif: "Lohit Telugu" !! monospace: "Lohit Telugu" QQ missing assignment of serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* thai-support (th) !! sans-serif: "Waree" !! serif: "Waree" !! monospace: "Waree" QQ missing assignment of sans-serif, serif and monospace or missing packages in comps.
* urdu-support (ur) XX sans-serif: "PakType Naqsh" XX serif: "PakType Naqsh" XX monospace: "PakType Naqsh" QQ need to clarify what the expected behavior is... QQ listing kacst-*-fonts in the table is a bug in this generator.
* chinese-support (zh) XX sans-serif: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" XX serif: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" XX monospace: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" QQ status conflict between fonts group and chinese-support for cjkuni-uming-fonts in comps (optional vs default)
-- Akira TAGOH
On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:56:30 +0900 (JST), "AT" == Akira TAGOH tagoh@redhat.com wrote:
AT> Hi,
AT> The improved fonts table is available at: AT> http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultfonts.html
Updated the page to make it more decorative and informative. the old page was a bit complicated and less information even though I've followed up a bit in the previous mail. so I've get rid of the package name there but popping up as the tooltip now. also I've added some decorations to give you a hint why the font package is there.
There are some suggestions from me for maintainers who owns packages that:
* appears as bold and gray-colored name, you may need to fix comps or fontconfig config file in the package, because it affects the certain language unexpectedly.
* appears as bold-italic name, you may need to fix comps, because it may be supposed to be used as the certain alias by default, but it's only enabled for the certain language but not for other languages. this would means that gives users the different looks for displaying.
* appears as no decorations but located after any italic name, you may want to consider to update comps which fonts should be used by default for language. this may be more serious than the above case. because given the packages that has marked default so far is expected one, it won't be used for people who installed with that language.
* appears as bold-italic name at the top of list, you may also need to consider the above case as well.
* appears no bold name in any generic names, you may need to dicsuss other font maintainers for your language to assign any fonts to the missing generic names. or if any fonts already has one, please update comps to install it by default. for your language at least.
For giving different result I've pointed out in yesterday's mail, any fixes may be necessary for either of font packages to change the order of the fontconfig config files perhaps.
Cheers, -- Akira TAGOH
for f15, http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f15-defaultfonts.html
--- Akira TAGOH
----- 元のメッセージ ----- | Hi, | | The improved fonts table is available at: | http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultfonts.html | | old one wasn't a bit useful because there are no way to know | what exactly the font is default. so I've put the font name | in the table this time. | | I'm not planning to do mass-filing-a-bug for languages not | having any fonts in any generic names, because this | generator doesn't refer the default rule in fontconfig so | far and the default latin fonts might be sufficient for | that. though that may be good to add it into the certain | language group in comps to make sure if the expected fonts | are certainly installed for language. dunno. | | However some fonts seems not having any fontconfig config | files. so that may be worth filing a bug perhaps. | | Finally the latest source code is available in fontpackages | git repo now. thanks Nicolas for this offer. | | Enjoy, | -- | Akira TAGOH | | _______________________________________________ | fonts mailing list | fonts@lists.fedoraproject.org | https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fonts | http://fonts.fedoraproject.org/
for f16, http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f16-defaultfonts.html
It seems that no changes has been made since f15 at this moment. I'm not sure if we are facing any space issue on the installation media such as spins and Live etc, we could still improve it if needed.
We should have certain aliases for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Thai at least. no aliases defined for those languages at all.
Aside from that, some fonts packages being sorted out at "other" (and particularly is decorated by non-italic which would be installed by default regardless of languages) may have options to 1) assign any aliases to use it efficiently or 2) get rid of "mandatory" or "default" from comps otherwise.
The candidate packages are here:
jomolhari-fonts thai-scalable-waree-fonts tibetan-machine-uni-fonts (bo only) culmus-caladings-clm-fonts (he and yi only) culmus-yehuda-clm-fonts (he and yi only) un-core-dinaru-fonts (ko only) un-core-gungseo-fonts (ko only) un-core-pilgi-fonts (ko only) madan-fonts (ne only) serafettin-cartoon-fonts (ta only) thai-scalable-garuda-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-kinnari-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-loma-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-norasi-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-purisa-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-sawasdee-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-tlwgmono-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-tlwgtypewriter-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-tlwgtypist-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-tlwgtypo-fonts (th only) thai-scalable-umpush-fonts (th only) cjkuni-ukai-fonts (zh_TW only)
One more topic on this list is, we should update comps for packages being gray-colored, which means selecting the default font behaves differently when installing other fonts packages from other language supports. we should keep consistency of the default font for language. so if it looks good to default for that language, we may consider to update the fontconfig file to give it a priority or update comps to install it by default.
This is a bit hard to explain what to do in general, so please review the list once and ask me if in doubt.
Cheers, --- Akira TAGOH
----- 元のメッセージ ----- | for f15, http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f15-defaultfonts.html | | FYI | | --- | Akira TAGOH | | ----- 元のメッセージ ----- | | Hi, | | | | The improved fonts table is available at: | | http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultfonts.html | | | | old one wasn't a bit useful because there are no way to know | | what exactly the font is default. so I've put the font name | | in the table this time. | | | | I'm not planning to do mass-filing-a-bug for languages not | | having any fonts in any generic names, because this | | generator doesn't refer the default rule in fontconfig so | | far and the default latin fonts might be sufficient for | | that. though that may be good to add it into the certain | | language group in comps to make sure if the expected fonts | | are certainly installed for language. dunno. | | | | However some fonts seems not having any fontconfig config | | files. so that may be worth filing a bug perhaps. | | | | Finally the latest source code is available in fontpackages | | git repo now. thanks Nicolas for this offer. | | | | Enjoy, | | -- | | Akira TAGOH | | | | _______________________________________________ | | fonts mailing list | | fonts@lists.fedoraproject.org | | https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fonts | | http://fonts.fedoraproject.org/ | _______________________________________________ | fonts mailing list | fonts@lists.fedoraproject.org | https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fonts | http://fonts.fedoraproject.org/
Sorry late reply:
----- Original Message -----
for f16, http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f16-defaultfonts.html
We should have certain aliases for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Thai at least. no aliases defined for those languages at all.
Aside from that, some fonts packages being sorted out at "other" (and particularly is decorated by non-italic which would be installed by default regardless of languages) may have options to 1) assign any aliases to use it efficiently or 2) get rid of "mandatory" or "default" from comps otherwise.
How about filing bugs for missing aliases that should be fixed? A tracker bug may be good too?
Well, no policies to complain about it. that would be the sort of RFE in that sense so far. but would be a good idea. let me try.
--- Akira TAGOH
----- 元のメッセージ ----- | Sorry late reply: | | ----- Original Message ----- | > for f16, http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f16-defaultfonts.html | | > We should have certain aliases for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Thai at | > least. no aliases defined for those languages at all. | > | > Aside from that, some fonts packages being sorted out at "other" | > (and | > particularly is decorated by non-italic which would be installed by | > default regardless of languages) may have options to 1) assign any | > aliases to use it efficiently or 2) get rid of "mandatory" or | > "default" from comps otherwise. | | How about filing bugs for missing aliases that should be fixed? | A tracker bug may be good too? | | Jens