Now ibus 1.4.0-2.fc16 is available on bodhi.
IBus GJS for GNOME-Shell 3.2.0
via DesktopI18N's Blog by fujiwara on 9/29/11
Sorry for the late response. I was a bit busy for gnome-shell and on vacation. Fedora 16 will use gnome-shell 3.2.x and gjs 1.30.x. Unfortunately We could not integrate ibus gjs into gnome-shell so we still need to install ibus-gnome3 by manual for gnome-shell.
There are two points to enable ibus-gnome3 with gnome-shell.
*#1 Checking the versions* After you install ibus-gnome3 (yum install ibus-gnome3), you will notice /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ is installed. That file provides the supported versions of gnome-shell and gjs.
# yum install gnome-shell gjs # rpm -q gnome-shell gjs gnome-shell-3.1.92-1.fc16.x86_64 gjs-1.29.18-1.fc16.x86_64 # yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing ibus ibus-gnome3 # rpm -q ibus-gnome3 ibus-gnome3-1.4.0-2.fc16.x86_64 # cat /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ {"shell-version": ["3.1.92"], "js-version": ["1.29.18"], "uuid": "", "name": "Input-Method Status Indicator", "description": "Add a system status menu for input-methods using IBus", "url": "" }
The example shows metadata.json file has the two keys ‘shell-version’ and ‘js-version’ and ‘shell-version’ is ’3.1.92′ and ‘js-version’ is ’1.29.18′. The versions are matched with the versions of gnome-shell and gjs. If the versions are different, ibus-gnome3 won’t be enabled with gnome-shell. [1]
*#2 Enable dconf key* Unfortunately all shell extensions are disabled by default in GNOME 3.2 so you need to enable the dconf key by manual.
% gsettings get enabled-extensions [] % gsettings set enabled-extensions "['']" % gsettings get enabled-extensions ['']
Now you can enable ibus-gnome3 with gnome-shell in Fedora 16. [2]
% gnome-shell --replace
If you cannot enable ibus-gnome3 but no errors on terminal, probably the follwing debug option might be useful for you
% env GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT=stderr gnome-shell --replace
Note: gnome-shell 3.2.0 and gjs 1.30.0 will be available soon and I also will update ibus-gnome3 with metadata.json file.
[1] Actually gnome-shell compares the versions with /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/misc/config.js and the checking script is versionCheck() in /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/extensionSystem.js [2] If you’d like to run gnome-shell by manual, compiz-gnome can shows the ‘Classic GNOME with Compiz’ on GDM login screen.