===================== #fedora-meeting: i18n =====================
Meeting started by tagoh_ at 06:09:57 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-10-18/i18n.2012-10-18-0... .
Meeting summary --------------- * agenda and roll call (tagoh_, 06:09:59) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2012-10-18 (tagoh_, 06:09:59)
* Upcoming schedule (tagoh_, 06:12:29) * 2012-10-23 Beta Change Deadline (tagoh_, 06:12:30) * 2012-10-23 Features 100% Complete (tagoh_, 06:12:30) * 2012-11-06 Beta Release (tagoh_, 06:12:30) * 2012-11-26 Final Change Deadline (tagoh_, 06:12:31)
* New topics (tagoh_, 06:14:14) * #8: Hinting related issues for Liberation_Fonts_2 on Fedora 18 (pravins) (tagoh_, 06:14:15) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/8 (tagoh_, 06:14:16) * LINK: http://pravins.fedorapeople.org/liberation/text-liberation-fonts-2-00-1.png (pravins, 06:30:41) * LINK: http://pravins.fedorapeople.org/liberation/text-liberation-1-07-2.png (pravins, 06:30:47) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=856239#c28 <- Behdad writes that he prefers the blurred version, it is hard for me to understand but some people really prefer that. (mfabian, 06:50:25) * ACTION: pravins to take another screenshots with ftview (tagoh_, 06:59:30) * LINK: http://pravins.fedorapeople.org/liberation1.7-fedora17.png (pravins, 07:00:16) * LINK: http://pravins.fedorapeople.org/liberation2-0-fedora18.png (pravins, 07:00:21)
* Open Floor (tagoh_, 07:10:08)
Meeting ended at 07:18:16 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * pravins to take another screenshots with ftview
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * pravins * pravins to take another screenshots with ftview * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * pravins (51) * tagoh_ (45) * juhp (25) * mfabian (23) * zodbot (9) * anish_ (4) * paragan (3) * fujiwarat (3) * epico (2) * dueno (1)
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