I got the mail from Adam Williamson, // Hi, guys - hope you don't mind me mailing you about this :) Fedora's running a Test Day this Thursday (er, think U.S. time, roughly...) for iBus, the new input system intended to replace SCIM. // so I've tested ibus on testday-20090512-x86_64.iso.
[Results] User: utumi Keyboard: jp Desktop: GNOME Desktop Language: en Activation: OK Input method: anthy
Application: abiword (OK) firefox (OK) gedit (OK) gnome-terminal (OK)
[Notes] fedora live cd doesn't include qt3/qt4 apps, so I didn't test them.
I don't want to send "Telephone Number" and "Postal Address" only for editing fedora wiki, so I post this mail to fedora-i18n-ml. :-)
[fedora's anthy package] (This is not a bug of ibus.) Tagoh-san added extra dictionaries to anthy, but he removed some special numbers. Mandriva: anthy-mandriva.png (see the attached files) Fedora: anthy-fedora.png
I think some users need them.
Regards, Hirosi
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I don't want to send "Telephone Number" and "Postal Address" only for editing fedora wiki, so I post this mail to fedora-i18n-ml. :-)
Thank you - I added your results to the table. :)
Tagoh-san added extra dictionaries to anthy, but he removed some special numbers.
Hm, I leave Akira to comment on this.