I'm a windows developer, new to Unix programming with some skills on C++, and .NET technology. I'm now studying to port into Unix programming (such as Fedora). My first interest is helping Vietnamese people can use easily input Vietnamese with built-in support. Vietnamese input method basis on latin-characters and accents. User type an accent anywhere in a word to put accent for it (for instance, a*s* or a*1*-> a'; no * s*i or noi*s* - > no'i) *(o' is an unicode character)*. In general, the rule is not complicated. - Every word have can have only one accent. Anyone idea? Sincerelly,
Tran Anh Tuan wrote:
My first interest is helping Vietnamese people can use easily input Vietnamese with built-in support.
Actually the iiimf-le-unit package included in current Fedora Core already should support Vietnamese, though I haven't tested it.
Would you be able to try that first and see how it works for you? :)