#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day --------------------+------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: --------------------+------------------- = description = Early open a ticket to keep things on track so that we are planning to move to the TestdayApp in this cycle. this is a good opportunity to clean up the test cases too.
= reason = We ensure our supported languages are working fine on GA. so we all should join the test event and feedback to improve the release for i18n experience.
= recommendation/goal = There should be some tasks to accomplish our test day event.
1. Move to the TestdayApp for tracking the results. 2. Clean up test cases to have efficient testing event. 3. Update the test cases to match the latest behavior on a release.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+--------------------- Description changed by tagoh:
Old description:
= description = Early open a ticket to keep things on track so that we are planning to move to the TestdayApp in this cycle. this is a good opportunity to clean up the test cases too.
= reason = We ensure our supported languages are working fine on GA. so we all should join the test event and feedback to improve the release for i18n experience.
= recommendation/goal = There should be some tasks to accomplish our test day event.
- Move to the TestdayApp for tracking the results.
- Clean up test cases to have efficient testing event.
- Update the test cases to match the latest behavior on a release.
New description:
= description = Early open a ticket to keep things on track so that we are planning to move to the TestdayApp in this cycle. this is a good opportunity to clean up the test cases too.
= reason = We ensure our supported languages are working fine on GA. so we all should join the test event and feedback to improve the release for i18n experience.
= recommendation/goal = There should be some tasks to accomplish our test day event.
1. Move to the [[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:TestdayApp%7CTestdayApp]] for tracking the results. 2. Clean up test cases to have efficient testing event. 3. Update the test cases to match the latest behavior on a release.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by pravins):
* Anish proposed idea for automating few testcases.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
still no portal for f22. so I'll make a draft page of TestdayApp for f22 by next meeting.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
tried to play with TestdayApp.
http://testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testdays/show_event?event_id=21 is just for us. and the metadata is available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/TestdayApp/F22
We may want to polish the testcases and the nice-to-test section. we need to discuss about it later.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+----------------------- Changes (by tagoh):
* owner: i18n@… => tagoh * status: new => assigned
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
filed a qa ticket to propose i18n test day: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/461
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
just to keep it in mind... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Test_Day_management
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Agreed to have i18n test case cleaup and addition activity for Fedora 22 on 25th Feb 2015. Meeting scheduled https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/i18n/2015/2/25/#m2263
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
created the event page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2015-03-19_i18n
note that the TestdayApp id has been changed due to updating it for the wrong metadata. I'm requesting removing the old one.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Next time such activity we will do on #fedora-meeting and may be will create specific page for tracking discussion. Till now keeping here for log.
<pravins> hi anish_ paragan juhp tagoh_ epico mfabian_ smaitra lijli fujiwarat ueno <smaitra> hi <anish_> Hi <paragan> hi <epico> hi <pravins> w.r.t https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/i18n/2015-February/001857.html <tagoh_> hi <pravins> we planned last time to gather today for an hour say for planning to make our i18n test day better well managed. <lijli> cool <pravins> we are going to use testday app first time in this testday. <juhp> I like https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/2263/ <pravins> lijli: juhp nice :) <pravins> detailed information regarding test day management is given on Very well detailed information <pravins> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Test_Day_management <pravins> but going through it might take time <pravins> tagoh_ is already leading this activity and done most of the things. <pravins> Test day event is happening on 19th March 2015. <pravins> I18n test day page is available on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2015-03-19_i18n <pravins> tagoh_: can you guide us how to create new test case for testapp? and what are the available test cases for cleanup. <pravins> Agenda for activity is: <tagoh_> well, no big changes if we just wanted to update. if planning to add new one or drop the unnecessary test cases, we need to modify the metadata. <tagoh_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/TestdayApp/F22 <tagoh_> TestdayApp generates the result page against the metadata wiki. the above looks like http://testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testdays/show_event?event_id=23 <pravins> nice. <pravins> tagoh_: we might need to add testcases for F22 proposed Changes, right? <tagoh_> pravins: if we want to test them yes <pravins> yes <pravins> anish_: paragan mfabian_ and me need to add testcases for proposed changes :) <pravins> so agenda for today meetup is. <fujiwarat> hi <pravins> 1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/TestdayApp/F22 go through test case of your interest. <tagoh_> once it's done, add a link to the metadata. <pravins> 2. Check it if is correct, if not please fix it. <pravins> tagoh_: aha, i thought it happens automatically :) <pravins> sure. <pravins> hi fujiwarat :) <pravins> 3. Add missing test case (Change proposal if any) and add link in metadata. <pravins> thank you tagoh_ for explaining it. :) <pravins> if any doubts or need further elaboration please ask. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to juhp * pravins starting going through testcases. <pravins> i should first add test case for my change proposal. * juhp has changed the topic to: F22 I18n testcase improvement [Fedora Internationalization https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N | translators' channel is #fedora-l10n | https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/report/1 | https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-09-02_i18n | i18n wiki clean- up https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticke <tagoh_> pravins: there are nothing they do automatically actually. we need to update the result page with the updated metadata url by the hand. <pravins> lijli: smaitra do help us with your QE expertise. :) <pravins> tagoh_: sure. <smaitra> pravins, sure <tagoh_> it is required if we add/remove test cases from the metadata. no need to update if we modify a test case in the test cases of course. <smaitra> pravins, just a query, how extensive and in depth testing is recommended? asking, because, rendering test case steps mentioned are generic. * juhp sets mode -t #fedora-i18n <fujiwarat> Do we use fedcal instead of zimbra? <pravins> smaitra: good to improve it if possible. <pravins> fujiwarat: FedCal is for wider Fedora community. <smaitra> I will modify a bit, with as much as specific and targeted area of test coverage. <tagoh_> smaitra: thanks <fujiwarat> ok, I see. I didn't realize fedora-meeting is not used. <pravins> fujiwarat: apologies for confusion, from next time onwards we will use #fedora-meeting for specific activities as well. :) <mfabian_> it confused me a bit as well. * mfabian_ is now known as mfabian <fujiwarat> oh :). <juhp> the energy is slightly more relaxed here :) * pravins feel other way ;) <juhp> ok <juhp> anyway yeah probably having meetbot is nice <pravins> agree, its good for log. <juhp> erm, so any more actions? <tagoh_> BTW I intentionally dropped all of references in nice-to-test. maybe good to reset it and rebuild the references which one would be good to have a testing <pravins> tagoh_: good. <pravins> juhp: i remember you mentioned check regression on Anaconda input selection <pravins> and also gnome-initial-setup on input sources selection. <pravins> tagoh_: we are using Workstation for testing? <juhp> pravins, ah yeah installation testing would be good too - something we have not formalized in the past <tagoh_> good question - if there are any specific packages in variants, maybe good to have some categories for that * pravins understanding how it is difficult to write testcase :( <tagoh_> juhp: installation testing should be done in another test day right? dunno if there are any difference related to i18n among them <juhp> hmm <juhp> tagoh_, but installer testday (is there one?) is not language specific <juhp> perhaps it could be part of l10n testday though dunno <pravins> good to take over on i18n related stuff :) <tagoh_> sure. my question is, does anaconda behave so much differently for installations <tagoh_> for i18n <tagoh_> I'm sure there are more or less some difference in the package sets. if there are any interests there for i18n, good to test. otherwise it may be duplicate right <juhp> I guess I am mainly thinking about input <juhp> and g-i-s as mentioned above <tagoh_> maybe we should focus more on the desktop spins first. <juhp> hmm yea they are also there <tagoh_> even though some of them can't be blocker if there are any issues <juhp> I guess most of the tests could be performed also on spins? <tagoh_> probably <pravins> good to go with Workstation release? <tagoh_> to be honest, anything is okay if the test cases can be performed so that there are no variant specific test cases at this moment <pravins> good point. <pravins> two things are pending from my side. <pravins> 1. Writing article in FedoraMagzine <pravins> 2. Asking if we can give badge to users contributing in testday. <mfabian> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinking_badges <mfabian> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqomZQMZQCQ * juhp is testing TC4 install ;) <mfabian> Where can one download TC4? <juhp> anaconda no longer accepts weak passwords... <juhp> mfabian, it is not announced yet for some technical reasons - the usual place :) <mfabian> https://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/22_Alpha_TC4/ <juhp> yes <pravins> wrote one test case of Odia change https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Odia <mfabian> I hope Anaconda does not force one to use digits, special characters and upper/lower case in paswords: https://www.xkcd.com/936/ <- I like passwords like this. * smaitra hopes the same. <pravins> thanks anish_ paragan juhp tagoh_ epico mfabian_ smaitra lijli fujiwarat ueno for participation. <juhp> mfabian, I don't think so <pravins> 1 hrs is definitely not sufficient to complete this activity :) <epico> thanks <pravins> but at least we understood what has been done and what is pending <pravins> so lets continue this activity over the week as time permits. <pravins> we will check status is next week i18n meeting. <juhp> thank pravins <pravins> welcome :) <pravins> closing meetup now. <smaitra> thanks guys!
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day --------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: meeting | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+----------------------- Changes (by pravins):
* type: task => meeting
Need to discuss following points: 1. Analysis - No. of testers and bugs reported. 2. Things that worked well and did not worked well.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day --------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: meeting | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
That may be a bit early to summarize the result. so just interim report here:
* Input (overall) * The number of attendees: 8 (-1) * The number of tested languages: 7 (+1) * bn-IN, '''ca''', '''cs''', '''es''', hi-IN, ja-JP, mr-IN (missed ko- KR, zh-CN) * Issues reported: * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1203537 * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1203575
* Input (language specific) * The number of attendees: 7 (+2) * The number of tested languages: 10 (+5) * general, bn-IN, '''cs''', '''hi-IN''', ja-JP, ko-KR, mr-IN, '''vi- VN''', zh-CN, '''zh-TW''' * Issues reported: * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1203537 * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1204029
* Rendering and Printing * The number of attendees: 4 (-3) * The number of tested languages: 4 (-1) * hi-IN, '''it-IT''', ja-JP, mr-IN (missed bn-IN, zh-CN) * Issues reportedd: * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1203996 * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1202247
* Other * The number of attendees: 6 (+1) * The number of tested languages: 6 (+2) * '''ca''', '''ca@valencian''', '''es''', '''hi-IN''', '''it-IT''', ja- JP (missed bn-IN, mr-IN, zh-CN) * Issues reported: * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1203571
See [ result page] for more details.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day --------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: meeting | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Some more points: * Totel 10 number of people participated. Not all person completed all the test cases. * Still some of I18n project member has to submit reports. * Totel bugs reported 6. One still https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1203537 Not fixed yet.
Lets discuss in meeting and see if anything more for it.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+----------------------- Changes (by pravins):
* type: meeting => task
Since there is not much to discuss lets move this from meeting to task. Please feel free to move again if any discussion required.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by pravins):
will close it around GA.
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Fedora 22 release yesterday (26th May). Closing now. Thanks Tagoh :)
#42: Fedora 22 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: tagoh Type: task | Status: closed Priority: major | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+--------------------- Changes (by pravins):
* resolution: => fixed * status: assigned => closed