do we need to suggest for languages?
-------- ਅਸਲੀ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ -------- Subject: Review of Fedora 18 Release Criteria Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 07:19:25 -0600 From: Tim Flink Reply-To: For testing and quality assurance of Fedora releases Organization: Red Hat To:, CC: mganisin
As we're getting closer to the scheduled time for beta freeze, we'd like to find out now if any of the current criteria or proposed criteria changes are unreasonable to expect for beta. There may be more changes for final as we get closer to that but I think that we're pretty close to being done with the release requirements for beta.
The current (as of this writing) release criteria are available at: - - -
There have been several changes to the release criterion lately (mostly due to changes in anaconda's functionality) and there are still a couple of modifications pending (identified at the end of this email with links to the most recent versions of the proposal)
The questions we're interested in are: - Is there anything in the current criteria or proposed revisions that seem unreasonable? - Are there any areas where the criteria are lacking?
Final =====
### mediacheck (change) " All release media must include a standalone memory test utility. A boot menu option to launch this utility must be present and must work correctly "
"If there is an embedded checksum in the image, it must match. If there is a related UI element displayed after booting the image, it must work and display the correct result."
### network attached storage (pass for F18) Remove for F18 (will be back in F19)
'The installer must be able to complete an installation using any network-attached storage devices (e.g. iSCSI, FCoE, Fibre Channel)'