Just a last reminder about the fedora-i18n meeting starting shortly:
#start im meeting <pravins> hi dychen
<fujiwarat> hi
<Kaio> pong
Kaio Kaio_strauss
<dychen> hi pravins, fujiwarat, Kaio.
<Kaio> dychen☺ hi
<fujiwarat> juhp: Should we fix 531696 ?
<dychen> Anything to talk about regarding input methods, ibus, and so on?
<pravins> dychen: 2nd hi ;)
<juhp> .bug 531696
<zodbot> juhp: Bug 531696 [abrt] crash detected in ibus-anthy- - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=531696
<fujiwarat> juhp: As you know, the similar bug was fixed a few days ago.
<juhp> fujiwarat: well I was wondering how to fix - it needs changes to both ibus and ibus-anthy or ibus*??
fujiwarat: yes I know
<fujiwarat> The previous fix was to ignore "panel" preference and this bug is related to "general" preference.
<juhp> ignore?
<juhp> dychen: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/InputMethods/Bugs
<juhp> fujiwarat: yeah I read the bug
so how to fix it?
<pravins> .bug 531989
<zodbot> pravins: Bug 531989 [abrt] crash detected in ibus-rawcode- - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=531989
<fujiwarat> Currently I'm thinking to modify both ibus and ibus-anthy.
<juhp> pravins: yeah you seem to have a few abrt too...
fujiwarat: ok and does it affect other IMEs too?
<pravins> hmm, its not crashing in f11 but yeah in f12 its yes
<juhp> ok
<fujiwarat> I think it's better that ibus sends another preference likes "ibus-frame" than "general".
<juhp> pravins: what's the difference?
<pravins> dont know exactly, but if one open oowrite and type using ibus-rawcode, and close the oowriter
<juhp> tagoh3: confused about https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=525376
<pravins> then rawcode crashes
<juhp> Alam added ibus to autostart??
<tagoh3> juhp: old feature in ibus
<juhp> pravins: aha hm
tagoh3: ibus.desktop?
<tagoh3> juhp: right
<fujiwarat> juhp: Currently all the problem preferences should be ignored. So probably it doesn't effect other IMEs.
<juhp> fujiwarat: ok
<pravins> juhp: i think need to cross check once whether memory is leaking some where or not
<juhp> fujiwarat: without crashing? :)
pravins: ok
<fujiwarat> juhp: Yes, I mean once we setup the specification, ibus-anthy ignores the preferences. If abrt still reports something after the fix, it means the preferences should not be ignored.
<tagoh3> juhp: dunno if phuang disabled that feature completely from ibus or apply a patch for Fedora only though.
juhp: you remember there were an option for that on the preference right.
<juhp> tagoh3: I only remember he didn't want to remove the desktop file ;)
anyway basically agree we should drop it
fujiwarat: ok
* juhp updates the summary
<juhp> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&field-1-0-0=...
<dychen> Kaio: does ibus-table has similar problem?
<Kaio> dychen☺ crashing?
<dychen> Kaio: Right.
<Kaio> dychen☺ I thought it is ibus-table problem...
dychen☺ ok it is ibus prob
<Kaio> I have same prob on ubuntu 9.10
<juhp> dychen: abrt?
<dychen> Mmm, maybe I should test with ibus-chewing.
juhp: Kaio: abrt? :-)
<Kaio> dychen☺ abrt? XD
<juhp> heh
<Kaio> it was not set by me
<juhp> dychen: what did you mean similar..........
<dychen> juhp: Just a thought. ibus-chewing use none of the message. :-)
<Kaio> my exp is: 30-45 mins using -> app freezed at first key pressed
<juhp> dychen: general, panel ??
<juhp> please specify
<Kaio> and the app back alive (melted) after like 30sec to 1 min
<juhp> Kaio: I think you are talking about something else?
<Kaio> but the same prob still there
<juhp> or I don't know what dychen is talking about :)
<dychen> juhp: That's right. ibus-chewing does not send/receive ibus-message actually.
<juhp> ok
I dunno if ibus-table uses that
<Kaio> lidaobing said if no err messages to him, he couldnt fix that too
<Kaio> dychen☺ are you mentioning same prob I am talking about?
Kaio Kaio_strauss
<dychen> Kaio: how about do some search against ibus-table and see if it use these messages?
<Kaio> dychen☺ ok
<Kaio> it crashes on author's latest source
* juhp diffed ibus- and ibus-
<juhp> I think I will request releng to tag the newer build
there - not sure if releng will buy but anyway
getting rather late
juhp jassy
<dychen> juhp: So end of meeting?
<juhp> dychen: looks like it :)
<dychen> #end im meeting