Hi Fedorians,
Sorry for late report. Last week, Saturday, 11 August 2013, Fedora Indonesia[1] was successfully organize FAD Padang 2012 at BLC Telkom Padang Venue. This is was the first FAD in Indonesia since Fedora Community in Indonesia at 2008, so after we make changes with the new and active contributor we start to figure out to create more Fedora event in Indonesia to spread Fedora spirit in Indonesia. This FAD is not only all about FAD but also we combine with Release Event, Installfest and Geek Fasting Break at the end of event. Here our full schedule[2] We have 15 crew and volunteers, they are also Fedora Indonesia Contributor (we got help from Local LUG, like KPLI-Kelompok Pengguna Linux Indonesia[3] and Indonesia Backtrack Team[4]) to make sure the event run successfully and 4 speakers who gives talk/workshop/discussion/demo, 2 of them are from Fedora Contributor, me(jurank_dankkal)[5] and Michel Alexander Salim(salimma)[6], and another else are from LUG-KPLI. Our participant who are register on the web around 162 but the folks who are coming around 90, although in the month of Ramadan and the holiday atmosphere of the school, but the participants still follow the spirit of the event start from 9am until at the ends of event 8pm who covered with geek fasting break.
Here the things that we discovered, learn, and some advises/suggestions during FAD Padang 2012 :
- Our participants are very interested to using Fedora as their operating system, is evidenced by the many of participant interested install their machines witth Fedora installfest session on the spot, and also many of them have questions about fedora. - Our crew is also a Fedora user and fedora Indonesia contributor, like bugzilla and localization team, in the evening after the event we also held a gathering to discuss the progress fedora in West Sumatra and Indonesia as particular. - We have problem with Fedora CD Shipping around 200 using FedEx[7] that Harish in Singapore send it to Indonesian, we must to have import license to complete requirement from Indonesian Ministry of Industry because FedEx people said the CD price are $74, so we hope for the next shipping we can use POS to send it to Indonesian.
This event also publish in Media Local and National Indonesia (coming soon) :
- InfoSumbar-Online local media - MetroTV-TV National - AntaraTV-media National - InfoLinux-the biggest Linux magazine in Indonesia
Our recent stuff/project that we continue during FAD Padang 2012 :
- Planning and implementation Fedora Indonesia server (mirror, yum, git)[8] - Fedora Wiki with Indonesian Languange[9]
Our planning future after FAD Padang 2012 :
- Fedora Indonesia will join the Open Source West Sumatra Community gathering at 23 August 2012 in Padang, Indonesia to sharing knowledge, know each other, and future event planning - Fedora Indonesia will get involve in Singgalang (one of newspaper in West Sumatra) IT Column who will publish everyday to sharing and disscuss about Fedora and F/LOSS - Fedora Indonesia will join Indonesia Linux Conference (ILC)[10] 2012 at 15 September in Malang, Indonesia. - Fedora Indonesia will try to figure out to host FUDCon in Indonesia. - and create more Fedora event in Indonesia.
Thanks to Logistic team for the photo, photo are in my fb gallery[11] Full report in my website[14] and Fedora Indonesia portal[13]
Links : [1]http://id.fedoracommunity.org/ [2]https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Padang_2012#Schedule [3]http://padang.linux.or.id/ [4]http://sumbar.indonesianbacktrack.or.id/ [5]https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jurankdankkal [6]https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:salimma [7] http://www.fedex.com/Tracking?clienttype=ivother&ascend_header=1&cnt... [8] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/id-community/2012-June/000518.html [9]http://id.fedoracommunity.org/wiki/ [10]http://ilc.linux.or.id/2012/ [11] https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3343175229279.2745805.1565675405&a... [12]http://loviniltra.com/2012/08/19/fad-padang-2012-indonesia/ [13]http://id.fedoracommunity.org/event-report-fad-padang-2012-indonesia/