A picture is worth a thousand words. I had trouble keeping in my head
all the requests/responses, what data is passed with each request and
response and what code in Ipsilon handles the request (and hence what
data is presented to the page handler). This is important if you need to
understand how the whole thing ties together, especially if you need to
modify some aspect of it.
I created a sequence diagram [1] illustrating the data flow and
handlers. Here is a pointer to the SVG file.
I suggest you download the SVG and view it with a decent image viewer (I
use Gnome Image Viewer) that allows easy zooming, if you view it in your
web browser it will probably be hard to read.
If you see any errors let me know.
FWIW the dashed arrows represent redirects. Name=Value pairs preceded by
a question mark are URL query parameters. Hope everything else is obvious.
[1] The tool I used to generate the diagram from a wonderful Python
based set of diagramming tools that allow you to write simple text files
and it converts it into a nice illustration. Here is a pointer to the tool:
Available as Fedora packages.