Hello everyone,
It is with great delight that I hereby announce the availability of Ipsilon 2.0!
This release has some major new features like OpenID Connect 2.0, OAuth 2,
an authorization plugin framework and a user portal.
For more information about the release, please see [1.
To download the release and view the documentation, please see our website at
You can also view the releases overview at [2.
Please note that if you are upgrading, you will need to make sure that you
upgrade the database, and enable an Authorization plugin from the admin panel.
For instructions on this, please see [3.
I would like to express my gratitude to all contributors, and a big shout-out
to all the new contributors that joined the project during this release.
Patrick Uiterwijk
[1]: https://fedorahosted.org/ipsilon/wiki/Releases/v2.0.0
[2]: https://fedorahosted.org/ipsilon/wiki/Releases
[3]: https://fedorahosted.org/ipsilon/wiki/Upgrading