Dear List,
i want to report a problem on iptraf-ng 1.1.4.
In the configuration section is the possibility to define "Filters", i have had the problem if before defined IP filters are complete deleted and i finished and execute iptraf-ng again, i get the error message "Error opening IP Filter data file. Press a key to continue". So if i press a key i get the iptraf-ng window back and i can see that the "Packets captured:" line also counts packets, but there are nothing else displayed under the "TCP Connections" section.
A possibility to solve this behavior was to delete the "savedfilters.dat" file under /var/lib/iptraf-ng and all starts as usual. It seems that iptraf-ng have a problem with the existing "savedfilters.dat" after all filters where deleted.
Let me know if i can bring on some more informations.