Bug ID: 2112775
Summary: google-gson-2.9.1 is available
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
Component: google-gson
Keywords: FutureFeature, Triaged
Assignee: mat.booth(a)
Reporter: upstream-release-monitoring(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dchen(a), jaromir.capik(a),
jerboaa(a), krzysztof.daniel(a),
mat.booth(a), mizdebsk(a),
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Releases retrieved: 2.9.1
Upstream release that is considered latest: 2.9.1
Current version/release in rawhide: 2.9.0-3.fc37
Please consult the package updates policy before you issue an update to a
stable branch:
More information about the service that created this bug can be found at:
Please keep in mind that with any upstream change, there may also be packaging
changes that need to be made. Specifically, please remember that it is your
responsibility to review the new version to ensure that the licensing is still
correct and that no non-free or legally problematic items have been added
Based on the information from Anitya:
To change the monitoring settings for the project, please visit:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1987630
Summary: lancer: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f35
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
Component: lancer
Assignee: willb(a)
Reporter: releng(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
Blocks: 1927309 (F35FTBFS,RAWHIDEFTBFS)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
lancer failed to build from source in Fedora rawhide/f35
For details on the mass rebuild see:
Please fix lancer at your earliest convenience and set the bug's status to
ASSIGNED when you start fixing it. If the bug remains in NEW state for 8 weeks,
lancer will be orphaned. Before branching of Fedora 36,
lancer will be retired, if it still fails to build.
For more details on the FTBFS policy, please visit:…
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1927309] Fedora 35 FTBFS Tracker
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1987364
Summary: ant-contrib: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f35
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
Component: ant-contrib
Assignee: java-maint-sig(a)
Reporter: releng(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: akurtako(a), extras-orphan(a),
Blocks: 1927309 (F35FTBFS,RAWHIDEFTBFS)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
ant-contrib failed to build from source in Fedora rawhide/f35
For details on the mass rebuild see:
Please fix ant-contrib at your earliest convenience and set the bug's status to
ASSIGNED when you start fixing it. If the bug remains in NEW state for 8 weeks,
ant-contrib will be orphaned. Before branching of Fedora 36,
ant-contrib will be retired, if it still fails to build.
For more details on the FTBFS policy, please visit:…
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1927309] Fedora 35 FTBFS Tracker
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 2092837
Summary: jctools-3.3.1-ea is available
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
Component: jctools
Keywords: FutureFeature, Triaged
Assignee: paul.wouters(a)
Reporter: upstream-release-monitoring(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
mizdebsk(a), paul.wouters(a),
puntogil(a), roman(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Releases retrieved: 3.3.1-ea
Upstream release that is considered latest: 3.3.1-ea
Current version/release in rawhide: 3.3.0-4.fc37
Please consult the package updates policy before you issue an update to a
stable branch:
More information about the service that created this bug can be found at:
Please keep in mind that with any upstream change, there may also be packaging
changes that need to be made. Specifically, please remember that it is your
responsibility to review the new version to ensure that the licensing is still
correct and that no non-free or legally problematic items have been added
Based on the information from Anitya:
To change the monitoring settings for the project, please visit:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 2020583
Summary: CVE-2021-2471 mysql-connector-java: unauthorized
access to critical
Product: Security Response
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: medium
Priority: medium
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: mrehak(a)
CC: aileenc(a), akoufoud(a),
alazarot(a), almorale(a),
anstephe(a), asoldano(a),
atangrin(a), bbaranow(a),
bbuckingham(a), bcourt(a),
bibryam(a), bkearney(a),
bmaxwell(a), bmontgom(a),
brian.stansberry(a), btotty(a),
cdewolf(a), chazlett(a),
databases-maint(a), dkreling(a),
dosoudil(a), drieden(a),
ehelms(a), eleandro(a),
eparis(a), etirelli(a),
fjuma(a), ggaughan(a),
gmalinko(a), gmorling(a),
hbraun(a), hhorak(a), ibek(a),
iweiss(a), janstey(a),
jburrell(a), jjanco(a),
jnethert(a), jochrist(a),
jokerman(a), jolee(a),
jpallich(a), jpechane(a),
jperkins(a), jrokos(a),
jschatte(a), jsherril(a),
jstastny(a), jwon(a),
krathod(a), kverlaen(a),
kwills(a), lgao(a),
ljavorsk(a), lzap(a),
mhulan(a), mkulik(a),
mmccune(a), mmuzila(a),
mnovotny(a), mschorm(a),
msochure(a), msvehla(a),
myarboro(a), nmoumoul(a),
nstielau(a), nwallace(a),
odubaj(a), orabin(a),
pantinor(a), pcreech(a),
pdelbell(a), pjindal(a),
pmackay(a), puntogil(a),
rchan(a), rguimara(a),
rrajasek(a), rstancel(a),
rsvoboda(a), smaestri(a),
sponnaga(a), steve.traylen(a),
tbrisker(a), tom.jenkinson(a),
tzimanyi(a), xjakub(a),
yborgess(a), zmiklank(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Other
Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network
access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors. Successful
attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical
data or complete access to all MySQL Connectors accessible data and
unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash.
External Reference:
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You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 2064698
Summary: CVE-2020-36518 jackson-databind: denial of service via
a large depth of nested objects
Product: Security Response
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: medium
Priority: medium
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: mrehak(a)
CC: aboyko(a), aileenc(a),
alazarot(a), anstephe(a),
asoldano(a), ataylor(a),
bbaranow(a), bibryam(a),
bmaxwell(a), bmontgom(a),
boliveir(a), brian.stansberry(a),
cdewolf(a), cdorney(a),
cfu(a), chazlett(a),
ckelley(a), darran.lofthouse(a),
dkreling(a), dosoudil(a),
drieden(a), edewata(a),
emingora(a), eparis(a),
eric.wittmann(a), etirelli(a),
fjuma(a), ggaughan(a),
gmalinko(a), hbraun(a),
ibek(a), iweiss(a),
jburrell(a), jmagne(a),
jochrist(a), jokerman(a),
jrokos(a), jross(a),
jstastny(a), jwon(a),
krathod(a), kverlaen(a),
lgao(a), mharmsen(a),
mnovotny(a), mosmerov(a),
msochure(a), msvehla(a),
nstielau(a), nwallace(a),
pantinor(a), pdelbell(a),
pdrozd(a), pjindal(a),
pmackay(a), puntogil(a),
rguimara(a), rhcs-maint(a),
rrajasek(a), rstancel(a),
rsvoboda(a), smaestri(a),
sponnaga(a), sthorger(a),
swoodman(a), tom.jenkinson(a),
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Other
A Java StackOverflow exception and denial of service via a large depth of
nested objects.
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 2011190
Summary: CVE-2021-40690 xml-security: XPath Transform abuse
allows for information disclosure
Product: Security Response
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: mrehak(a)
CC: aboyko(a), agrimm(a),
aileenc(a), antti.andreimann(a),
asoldano(a), atangrin(a),
bbaranow(a), bcoca(a),
bibryam(a), bmaxwell(a),
bmontgom(a), brian.stansberry(a),
caswilli(a), cdewolf(a),
chazlett(a), chousekn(a),
cmeyers(a), darran.lofthouse(a),
davidn(a), dkreling(a),
dosoudil(a), drieden(a),
eleandro(a), eparis(a),
eric.wittmann(a), ewolinet(a),
extras-orphan(a), fjuma(a),
gblomqui(a), ggaughan(a),
gmalinko(a), gvarsami(a),
hbraun(a), iweiss(a),
jburrell(a), jcammara(a),
jcantril(a), jcoleman(a),
jhardy(a), jnethert(a),
jobarker(a), jochrist(a),
jokerman(a), jolee(a),
jpallich(a), jperkins(a),
jschatte(a), jstastny(a),
jwon(a), kaycoth(a),
kconner(a), kloczko.tomasz(a),
krathod(a), kwills(a),
ldimaggi(a), lef(a),
lgao(a), loleary(a),
mabashia(a), mihkel.vain(a),
msochure(a), msvehla(a),
notting(a), nstielau(a),
nwallace(a), osapryki(a),
pantinor(a), pdelbell(a),
pdrozd(a), pjindal(a),
pmackay(a), puntogil(a),
relrod(a), rguimara(a),
rpetrell(a), rstancel(a),
rsvoboda(a), rwagner(a),
sdoran(a), smaestri(a),
smcdonal(a), spinder(a),
sponnaga(a), sthorger(a),
tcunning(a), theute(a),
tkirby(a), tkuratom(a),
tom.jenkinson(a), yborgess(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Other
An issue where the "secureValidation" property is not passed correctly when
creating a KeyInfo from a KeyInfoReference element. This allows an attacker to
abuse an XPath Transform to extract any local .xml files in a RetrievalMethod
External Reference:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1995259
Summary: CVE-2021-37714 jsoup: Crafted input may cause the
jsoup HTML and XML parser to get stuck
Product: Security Response
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: medium
Priority: medium
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: psampaio(a)
CC: aboyko(a), aileenc(a),
akoufoud(a), alazarot(a),
almorale(a), anstephe(a),
asoldano(a), atangrin(a),
ataylor(a), avibelli(a),
bbaranow(a), bgeorges(a),
bibryam(a), bmaxwell(a),
brian.stansberry(a), cdewolf(a),
chazlett(a), clement.escoffier(a),
dandread(a), darran.lofthouse(a),
dbecker(a), dkreling(a),
dosoudil(a), drieden(a),
eleandro(a), etirelli(a),
fjuma(a), ggaughan(a),
gmalinko(a), gsmet(a),
gvarsami(a), hamadhan(a),
hbraun(a), hhorak(a), ibek(a),
iweiss(a), janstey(a),
jcoleman(a), jjoyce(a),
jnethert(a), jochrist(a),
jolee(a), jorton(a),
jpallich(a), jperkins(a),
jrokos(a), jross(a),
jschatte(a), jschluet(a),
jstastny(a), jwon(a),
kaycoth(a), kconner(a),
krathod(a), kverlaen(a),
kwills(a), ldimaggi(a),
lgao(a), lhh(a), lpeer(a),
lthon(a), mburns(a),
mizdebsk(a), mkolesni(a),
mnovotny(a), msochure(a),
msvehla(a), mszynkie(a),
nwallace(a), pantinor(a),
pdrozd(a), peholase(a),
pgallagh(a), pjindal(a),
pmackay(a), probinso(a),
rguimara(a), rrajasek(a),
rruss(a), rstancel(a),
rsvoboda(a), rwagner(a),
sbiarozk(a), sclewis(a),
scohen(a), sdouglas(a),
slinaber(a), smaestri(a),
sthorger(a), tcunning(a),
tkirby(a), tom.jenkinson(a),
tzimanyi(a), yborgess(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Other
jsoup is a Java library for working with HTML. Those using jsoup versions prior
to 1.14.2 to parse untrusted HTML or XML may be vulnerable to DOS attacks. If
the parser is run on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that
causes the parser to get stuck (loop indefinitely until cancelled), to complete
more slowly than usual, or to throw an unexpected exception. This effect may
support a denial of service attack. The issue is patched in version 1.14.2.
There are a few available workarounds. Users may rate limit input parsing,
limit the size of inputs based on system resources, and/or implement thread
watchdogs to cap and timeout parse runtimes.
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