Hello, all
Added another maillist this time for the invitation of joining our first
Koji community meeting.
Feel free to *register in* Koji Meeting Notes <http://piratepad.net/koji>
if you are interested in the Koji discussion.
*Meeting Purpose: *
- Improve the communication with upstream(community)
*Meeting Time:*
- Dec 6, 2017 will set the speicifc time according to most attendees
Name Location Timezone Email
yulwang Beijing
pingou France CET pingou(a)fp.o
ngompa United States US/ET ngompa(a)fp.o
dhatch United States US/CT dustin.hatch(a)firemon.com
*Proposed Agenda: *
- Koji 1.15 and Koji 1.16 roadmap
- Discuss changes in the last year
- Expanded development
- Dedicated QE resources
- Expanded effort on test coverage and automation
- Any more you want to discuss about Koji
- ...
Welcome ~