I'm using koji as a python package in my scripts. Usually I develop them
inside of a virtual environment. I do not use system packages[1] in
Currently I'm not able to install koji and it dependencies inside
virtualenv easily. Having koji in PiPy would help me. That way I can
just specify it in my requirements.txt or in install_requires of my
setup.py. I *guess*[2] one way to do that is to have setup.py in koji
code and add some extra steps as part of the release process to publish
it there.
What do you think about this?
For some time now I use my own setup.py. I guess it is not ready for PR
so I'd love to see comments on this as well:
[1] Among other reasons I'd like to have environment isolated from the
system as much as possible.
[2] I have never maintained package on PiPy.
Pavol Babincak
Koji 1.13 is out. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
You can read the release notes here:
- Python 3 support in client
- CLI plugins
- Improved log display in web ui
...and now on to 1.14 :)