Hi folks,
I was working with another developer recently to run Koji's unit tests. There are a couple of different ways to do it.
1. The Makefile provides a few targets, like "make test", which runs "make test2" and "make test3"
2. https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ci.centos.org/job/koji sets up a virtualenv (with --system-site-packages) and runs the tests through that.
I think there is an opportunity to unify and modernize this. Ideally we'd have one way to run the tests, and we could simplify the Jenkins job configuration so that it's easier to replicate the exact Jenkins job commands locally.
We're looking into running the unit tests with tox, a tool that fits well with Python's virtualenv and allows us to execute tests with multiple Python versions. Tox is used across several other projects like Pungi and rpkg.
We're working on a prototype that works on CentOS and Fedora. We should have a pull request up soon.
- Ken