latrace does not work in opensuse 12.2.
here is the output if i run it for gedit:
linux-nsus:~/latrace-0.5.11 # *latrace -v gedit
[23747 lt_fifo_notify_fd:00122] fifo notification set to:
[23747 process:00168] doing pipe
[23748 run_child:00383] executing gedit
[23748 get_names:00126] names: [_setjmp] max: 50
[23748 get_names:00144] got: _setjmp
[23748 get_names:00152] got 1 entries
[23748 audit_init:00258] global_symbols 0
gedit finished - killed by signal 11
[23747 remove_dir:00273] removing /tmp/lt-config-p8K4PT
[23747 remove_dir:00273] removing /tmp/lt-config-p8K4PT/fifo
It was working all fine in openSuse 12.1
I know that glib has changed from 12.1 to 12.2, could it because of this?
I took the latest from GIT, the result is the same.
let me know if you need more info,