A few days ago a user was curious if an Kadischi .rpm package existed
yet, I personally do not know of one.
What I have done is build a kadischi .rpm package using the CVS, and
notified the user patching anaconda-runtime will still be
neccessary. I am curious if you guys would be interested in having an
.rpm package of kadischi built, say on the scale of
every few weeks or every month until you find a package handler and
I tested my own package (using --test), and made sure all files were
packaged of course.
This is question number one.
Question two.. rpmbuild sorts out what we know as dependencies.
According to rpmbuild, /bin/ash is a requirement, which it is,
livecd-linuxrc is a /bin/ash shell script..
I am curious, since I do not see a Fedora Core 4 ash-package, if this
will change or not, and if not, what to do about it if you are
building .rpms of kadischi. I of course am running on a FC3 -> FC4
upgraded system, so I have /bin/ash.
Please comment/respond/delete my email as neccessary.
Jasper Hartline