I'm Greg DeK. You should all know me by this point, as I've likely
contacted each one of you about your interest in an official "Fedora Live
CD" project.
Why? Aren't there plenty of Live CDs out there already? Well, yes, there
are -- and even some that are based on Fedora. But we think that
Fedora-branded Live CDs are still important for a few reasons:
1. Everyone else has one. :)
2. It's an ideal low-risk strategy to allow people to find out what Fedora
is all about.
3. It's an ideal place for community contribution and development; the
technical barriers are well-understood, and the community has already
taken the lead in creating Fedora-based Live CDs. And in this
collaboration, we at Red Hat have an opportunity to grow closer to the
folks who dig our stuff.
So. To get the ball rolling, how about some introductions? I'll start.
I'm Greg DeK, community relations manager for Red Hat. I work on the
Fedora Extras project, act as legal go-between for the Fedora project, and
do a bunch of other stuff.
Some of my goals for this project:
* Build robust tools for building Fedora-based Live CDs, and putting
these tools into Fedora Extras.
* Create Live CDs from these tools, based entirely upon content in
Fedora Core and Fedora Extras, for official "blessing".
* Distribute these blessed Live CDs far and wide, through whatever
clever means we can come up with.
_____________________ ____________________________________________
Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have
Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent. the
Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the
] [ dumb. --mcluhan
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