So. Had a few discussions around this at the Red Hat Summit -- it became
a hot topic in the Fedora BOF there. What came out of it? Well...
...for one thing, it became clear that we need to kickstart this list. :)
For another thing, some folks asked: why not Live DVD?
For another thing, some folks asked: why not put the installer on it, so
that people can install the precise image they're playing with?
And lots of other questions. But for me, here's the takeaway:
There's lots of Live CDs. Too many to count. If we're not doing
something interesting, then we're nothing more than one more Live CD with
Fedora branding.
What about a Live DVD? With potential goals of:
1. Allowing users to choose to run the image that suits them;
2. Allowing users to install from DVD if they like;
3. Allowing us to put multiple arches on one DVD, if possible?
Looking at the download numbers from the torrent, we're seeing about 50/50
numbers for CD/DVD downloads.
So what about it? I know a bunch of you folks have Live CD code that
runs. Any of it convertible to Live DVD code?
(p.s. Yes, we've announced the intention to announce the Fedora Foundation
at some point. I hope this means that we'll be able to turn this into an
officially sanctioned project at some point. But in the meantime, talking
_____________________ ____________________________________________
Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have
Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent. the
Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the
] [ dumb. --mcluhan