config/livecd-fedora-8-base-desktop.ks | 15
imgcreate/ | 54 --
tools/mayflower | 805 ---------------------------------
3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 853 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 0812e699f503f8ac1a63ecf7d9ee9874fb7ea168
Author: Jeremy Katz <katzj(a)>
Date: Tue Feb 26 17:56:25 2008 -0500
Remove mayflower
diff --git a/tools/mayflower b/tools/mayflower
deleted file mode 100755
index 162d4d4..0000000
--- a/tools/mayflower
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
-# mayflower - flexible mkinitrd replacement
-# Copyright 2006 David Zeuthen <davidz(a)>
-# Licensed under the GPLv2. See the file COPYING for details.
-# Inspired by similar programs from a bunch of other distributions.
-# Override any TMPDIR setting from the environment, since this script is
-# run in a chroot: a nonstandard $TMPDIR setting would make mktemp fail.
-export TMPDIR=/tmp
-usage() {
- echo "$0 [--help] <out-initrd-image> <kernel-version>"
- echo
- echo "example: $0 /boot/myinitramfs.img \`uname -r\`"
-while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
- case $1 in
- --help)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- -f)
- opt_allow_overwrite=1
- ;;
- --allow-missing)
- echo "Ignore option $1 for /sbin/mkinitrd compatibility"
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- opt_verbose=1
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -z "$INITRAMFS_TARGET" ] ; then
- elif [ -z "$KERNEL" ] ; then
- else
- echo "Unknown option or parameter \"$1\""
- echo
- usage
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [ -z "$INITRAMFS_TARGET" -o -z "$KERNEL" ] ; then
- usage
- exit 1
-if [ "$opt_allow_overwrite" == "0" ] ; then
- if [ -e $INITRAMFS_TARGET ] ; then
- echo "Image $INITRAMFS_TARGET already exists. Use -f to overwrite"
- exit 1
- fi
-echo "Building an initramfs at $INITRAMFS_TARGET for kernel $KERNEL"
-TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d` || exit 1
-pushd $TEMPDIR > /dev/null
-mkdir initramfs_dir
-cd initramfs_dir
-# Make directory structure
-mkdir bin sbin dev sys proc lib lib/udev sysroot etc etc/udev etc/udev/rules.d
-cp /sbin/losetup sbin
-cp /sbin/blockdev sbin
-cp /sbin/dmsetup sbin
-cp /bin/dd bin
-cp /bin/cut bin
-# we explicitly load these, so should be sure they're present
-MODULES="loop dm_snapshot "
-if [ -e /etc/mayflower.conf ] ; then
- source /etc/mayflower.conf
-# TODO: right now we only recognize MODULES... add support for more
-# options such as 'include all modules neccessary to mount the mount
-# point /mnt/temp_os_install' etc.
-if [ "$opt_verbose" == "1" ] ; then
- echo "Kernel modules requested: $MODULES"
- echo
-rm -f modules
-for m in $MODULES ; do
- char=$(echo $m | cut -c1)
- if [ $char = '=' ]; then
- NAME=$(echo $m | cut -c2-)
- if [ "$NAME" = "ata" ]; then
- if [ -f /lib/modules/$KERNEL/modules.libata ]; then
- MODS="$MODS $(cat /lib/modules/$KERNEL/modules.libata |sed -e 's/.ko//')"
- else
- MODS="$MODS $(cat /lib/modules/$KERNEL/modules.block |egrep '(ata|ahci)' |sed -e 's/.ko//')"
- fi
- else
- MODS="$MODS $(cat /lib/modules/$KERNEL/modules.$NAME |sed -e 's/.ko//')"
- fi
- else
- MODS="$MODS $m"
- fi
-for m in $MODS ; do
- /sbin/modprobe --set-version $KERNEL --show-depends $m >> modules 2>/dev/null
-cat modules | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -u > modules2
-rm -f modules
-MODULES_FILES=`cat modules2`
-rm -f modules2
-mkdir -p lib/modules/$KERNEL/
-# Copy kernel modules over
-for f in $MODULES_FILES ; do
- if [ "$opt_verbose" == "1" ] ; then
- echo "Copying kernel module $f"
- fi
- cp $f lib/modules/$KERNEL/
-# Build module deps file so we can use modprobe
-if [ "$opt_verbose" == "1" ] ; then
- /sbin/depmod -b `pwd` -v $KERNEL
- /sbin/depmod -b `pwd` -v $KERNEL > /dev/null
-# Copy /etc/fstab over
-cp /etc/fstab etc
-# Copy modprobe.conf and friends over
-if [ -e /etc/modprobe.conf ] ; then
- cp /etc/modprobe.conf etc
-cp -R /etc/modprobe.d etc
-# Copy binaries over
-cp /bin/echo bin
-cp /bin/sleep bin
-cp /bin/bash bin
-cp /bin/mount bin
-cp /bin/umount bin
-[ -x /usr/sbin/eject ] && cp /usr/sbin/eject sbin
-cp /bin/ls bin
-cp /bin/mknod bin
-cp /bin/mkdir bin
-cp /bin/chmod bin
-cp /bin/ln bin
-cp /bin/cat bin
-cp /usr/bin/kill bin
-cp /bin/rm bin
-cp /sbin/udevsettle sbin
-cp /sbin/udevtrigger sbin
-cp /sbin/udevd sbin
-cp /sbin/insmod sbin
-cp /sbin/modprobe sbin
-cp /sbin/pidof sbin
-cp /sbin/killall5 sbin
-cp /sbin/nash sbin
-cp /lib/udev/vol_id lib/udev
-# symlink niceties
-ln -s bash bin/sh
-# Not really required but nice
-[ -x /usr/bin/tree ] && cp /usr/bin/tree bin
-[ -x /usr/bin/less ] && cp /usr/bin/less bin
-cp /bin/env bin
-cp /bin/grep bin
-cp /bin/dmesg bin
-cp /sbin/lsmod sbin
-# if we have the iso checker, we want it
-[ -x /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5 ] && cp /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/checkisomd5 bin
-[ -x /usr/bin/checkisomd5 ] && cp /usr/bin/checkisomd5 bin
-# Copy all required shared libs
-for i in bin/* sbin/* lib/udev/*; do
- ldd $i | sed 's|.*=>||g' | awk '/\// { print $1 }' | while read lib ; do
- if [ "$opt_verbose" == "1" ] ; then
- echo "Copying DSO $l"
- fi
- cp --parents $lib .
- done
-cat > sbin/run-init <<'EOF'
-chmod 755 sbin/run-init
-# Write out init
-cat > init <<'EOF'
- echo "Bug in initramfs /init detected. Dropping to a shell. Good luck!"
- echo
- bash
-trap "emergency_shell" 0 2
-# exit immediately if a command fails
-set -e
-export PATH=/sbin:/bin
-exec < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
-mount -n -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 udev /dev
-mknod /dev/console c 5 1
-mknod /dev/null c 1 3
-mknod /dev/kmsg c 1 11
-mkdir /dev/pts
-mkdir -m 1777 /dev/shm
-ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
-ln -s fd/0 /dev/stdin
-ln -s fd/1 /dev/stdout
-ln -s fd/2 /dev/stderr
-mount -n -t proc proc /proc
-mount -n -t sysfs sysfs /sys
-echo "" > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
-# Declare all variables here.. mostly for housekeeping
-# Parse kernel commandline options
-for o in `cat /proc/cmdline` ; do
- case $o in
- init=*)
- init=${o#init=}
- ;;
- ro)
- root_ro=1
- ;;
- rw)
- root_rw=1
- ;;
- quiet)
- quiet=1
- ;;
- shell)
- shell=1
- ;;
- eshell)
- eshell=1
- ;;
- live_ram)
- live_ram=1
- ;;
- live_locale=*)
- live_locale=${o#live_locale=}
- ;;
- check)
- check_iso=1
- ;;
- blacklist=*)
- blacklist=${o#blacklist=}
- echo "blacklist $blacklist" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
- ;;
- *)
- m=$(echo $o |cut -s -d . -f 1)
- opt=$(echo $o |cut -s -d . -f 2-)
- if [ -z "$m" -o -z "$opt" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- p=$(echo $opt |cut -s -d = -f 1)
- v=$(echo $opt |cut -s -d = -f 2-)
- if [ -z "$p" -o -z "$v" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- echo "options $m $p=$v" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
- ;;
- esac
-if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "kernel commandline: `cat /proc/cmdline`"
-# First, read rootfs target from embedded /etc/fstab file
-if [ -f /etc/fstab ] ; then
- root=$(cat /etc/fstab | while read d m f o r; do if [ "$m" == "/" ] ; then echo $d; fi; done)
- rootflags=$(cat /etc/fstab | while read d m f o r; do if [ "$m" == "/" ] ; then echo $o; fi; done)
- rootfstype=$(cat /etc/fstab | while read d m f o r; do if [ "$m" == "/" ] ; then echo $f; fi; done)
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "fstab suggests root=$root"
- echo "fstab suggests rootflags=$rootflags"
- echo "fstab suggests rootfstype=$rootfstype"
- # Handle the case with bogus /etc/fstab pointing to /dev/root
- # which by definition does not exist...
- #
- if [ "$root" == "/dev/root" ] ; then
- echo "WARNING: Bogus /etc/fstab file - cannot have /dev/root as the device for /"
- root=""
- rootflags=""
- rootfstype=""
- fi
- fi
-# Users can override rootfs target on the kernel commandline
-for o in `cat /proc/cmdline` ; do
- case $o in
- root=*)
- root=${o#root=}
- ;;
- rootflags=*)
- rootflags=${o#rootflags=}
- ;;
- rootfstype=*)
- rootfstype=${o#rootfstype=}
- ;;
- esac
-# Print out what we are going to do
-if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "init=$init"
- echo "root=$root"
- echo "rootflags=$rootflags"
- echo "rootfstype=$rootfstype"
- echo "root_ro=$root_ro"
- echo "root_rw=$root_rw"
-# generate udev rules to generate /dev/root symlink
-if [ -z $root ] ; then
- root=/dev/something
- case $root in
- /dev/disk/by-label/*)
- LABEL=${root#/dev/disk/by-label/}
- echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"block\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$LABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-label.rules
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "Added udev rule 00-label.rules:"
- cat /etc/udev/rules.d/00-label.rules
- fi
- waitforsymlink=1
- thingtomount=/dev/root
- ;;
- echo "KERNEL==\"hd[a-z]\", BUS==\"ide\", SYSFS{removable}==\"1\", ATTRS{media}==\"cdrom\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-cdlabel.rules
- echo "KERNEL==\"sr[0-9]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/00-cdlabel.rules
- echo "KERNEL==\"scd[0-9]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/00-cdlabel.rules
- echo "KERNEL==\"pcd[0-9]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/00-cdlabel.rules
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "Added udev rule 00-cdlabel.rules:"
- cat /etc/udev/rules.d/00-cdlabel.rules
- fi
- waitforsymlink=1
- thingtomount=/dev/root
- ;;
- LABEL=*)
- LABEL=${root#LABEL=}
- echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"block\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$LABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-label.rules
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "Added udev rule 00-label.rules:"
- cat /etc/udev/rules.d/00-label.rules
- fi
- waitforsymlink=1
- thingtomount=/dev/root
- ;;
- /dev/disk/by-id/*)
- UUID=${root#/dev/disk/by-id/}
- echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"block\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -u %N\", RESULT==\"$UUID\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/01-uuid.rules
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "Added udev rule 01-uuid.rules:"
- cat /etc/udev/rules.d/01-uuid.rules
- fi
- waitforsymlink=1
- thingtomount=/dev/root
- ;;
- UUID=*)
- UUID=${root#UUID=}
- echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"block\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -u %N\", RESULT==\"$UUID\", SYMLINK+=\"root\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/01-uuid.rules
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "Added udev rule 01-uuid.rules:"
- cat /etc/udev/rules.d/01-uuid.rules
- fi
- waitforsymlink=1
- thingtomount=/dev/root
- ;;
- /dev/*)
- ln -s $root /dev/root
- thingtomount=$root
- ;;
- *)
- thingtomount=$root
- ;;
- esac
-echo "udev_log=\"error\"" >> /etc/udev/udev.conf
-# rules for loading modules
-echo -n "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"?*\", ENV{MODALIAS}==\"?*\", RUN+=\"/sbin/modprobe $" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
-echo "env{MODALIAS}\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
-echo "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"scsi_device\" RUN+=\"/sbin/modprobe sg\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
-echo "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"scsi_device\", SYSFS{type}==\"0|7|14\", RUN+=\"/sbin/modprobe sd_mod\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
-echo "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"scsi_device\", SYSFS{type}==\"[45]\", RUN+=\"/sbin/modprobe sr_mod\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
-echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"mmc\", RUN+=\"/sbin/modprobe mmc_block\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
-# FIXME: hack since sr_mod seems to fail to get loaded sometimes (#239657)
-/sbin/modprobe sr_mod
-/sbin/modprobe loop max_loop=16
-if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "starting udevd"
-/sbin/udevd --daemon
-if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "creating devices"
-if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "waiting for system to settle"
-/sbin/udevsettle --timeout=30 || :
-if [ "$shell" == "1" ] ; then
- echo "Shell requested on kernel commandline. Exit to continue booting."
- echo
- bash
-# don't wait for "mtd0" as no device file will appear
-# and don't worry about this if $thingtomount is a regular file
-if [ "$root" != "mtd0" -a ! -f "$thingtomount" ] ; then
- # If we don't have the /dev/root link.. ask the user to create..
- if [ "$waitforsymlink" != "1" ] ; then
- if [ ! -L /dev/root ] ; then
- echo
- echo "--------------------------------------"
- echo "WARNING: Cannot find root file system!"
- echo "--------------------------------------"
- echo
- echo "Create symlink /dev/root and then exit this shell to continue"
- echo "the boot sequence."
- echo
- bash
- fi
- fi
- # udevsettle might return before slow devices such as USB are in shape
- # Wait up to 60 seconds for them to appear...
- #
- if [ ! -b /dev/root ] ; then
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "no root yet, udev rule will write symlink..."
- echo
- echo "waiting up to 60 seconds before dropping to emergency shell."
- fi
- while [ "x$COUNTDOWN" != "x0" ] ; do
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo -n "."
- fi
- /bin/sleep 1
- if [ -e /dev/root ] ; then
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ ! -b /dev/root ] ; then
- echo
- echo "--------------------------------------"
- echo "WARNING: Cannot find root file system!"
- echo "--------------------------------------"
- echo
- echo "Create symlink /dev/root and then exit this shell to continue"
- echo "the boot sequence."
- echo
- bash
- fi
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "mounting /dev/root"
- ls -l /dev/root
- fi
- if [ -z $rootfstype ] ; then
- rootfstype=auto
- fi
-if [ "x$check_iso" == "x1" -a -x /bin/checkisomd5 -a "x$rootfstype" == "xiso9660" ]; then
- echo "Verifying ISO image..."
- /bin/checkisomd5 --verbose /dev/root
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Are you SURE you want to continue?"
- echo "Press Enter to continue or ctrl-alt-del to reboot."
- read
- fi
-if [ "x$root_ro" == "x1" ] ; then
- if [ -z $rootflags ] ; then
- rootflags="ro"
- else
- rootflags="$rootflags,ro"
- fi
-if [ "x$root_rw" == "x1" ] ; then
- if [ -z $rootflags ] ; then
- rootflags="rw"
- else
- rootflags="$rootflags,rw"
- fi
-if [ -z $rootflags ] ; then
- mountoptions=""
- mountoptions=" -o$rootflags"
-mount -n -t $rootfstype $mountoptions $thingtomount /sysroot
-if [ "$RES" != "0" ] ; then
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo "WARNING: Cannot mount rootfs!"
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo
- echo "Dropping to a shell. "
- echo "Mount rootfs at /sysroot and exit shell to continue. Good luck!"
- echo
- bash
-# Now get ready to leave the initramfs
-# only pass kernel command line if we're launching /sbin/init
-if [ "$init" == "/sbin/init" ] ; then
- initargs=$(cat /proc/cmdline)
- initargs=""
-# live cd helper function
-do_live_from_base_loop() {
- # create a sparse file for the overlay
- dd if=/dev/null of=/overlay bs=1024 count=1 seek=$((512*1024)) 2> /dev/null
- OVERLAY_LOOPDEV=$( losetup -f )
- losetup $OVERLAY_LOOPDEV /overlay
- # set up the snapshot
- echo 0 `blockdev --getsize $BASE_LOOPDEV` snapshot $BASE_LOOPDEV $OVERLAY_LOOPDEV p 8 | dmsetup create live-rw
- # set up new /dev/root symlink
- rm -f /dev/root
- ln -s /dev/mapper/live-rw /dev/root
- mount -n /dev/mapper/live-rw /sysroot
- # here you can modify the rw ext3 fs for testing if you don't want to
- # respin the entire rootfs (which takes ages). Example
- #
- # echo foo > /sysroot/etc/bar.conf
- #
- # We also use it to dynamically set the system locale from the boot
- # menu on live cd's.
- #
- if [ "$live_locale" != "" ] ; then
- echo "LANG=$live_locale" > /sysroot/etc/sysconfig/i18n
- fi
- # copy over module options
- [ -f /etc/modprobe.conf ] && cat /etc/modprobe.conf >> /sysroot/etc/modprobe.conf
- # create rule so udev creates /dev/live symlink on real rootfs
- if [ -n "$CDLABEL" ]; then
- echo "KERNEL==\"hd[a-z]\", BUS==\"ide\", SYSFS{removable}==\"1\", ATTRS{media}==\"cdrom\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"sr[0-9]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"scd[0-9]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"pcd[0-9]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$CDLABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- elif [ -n "$LABEL" ]; then
- echo "KERNEL==\"hd[a-z]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$LABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"hd[a-z][0-9]*\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$LABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"sd[a-z]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$LABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"sd[a-z][0-9]*\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -l %N\", RESULT==\"$LABEL\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- elif [ -n "$UUID" ]; then
- echo "KERNEL==\"hd[a-z]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -u %N\", RESULT==\"$UUID\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"hd[a-z][0-9]*\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -u %N\", RESULT==\"$UUID\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"sd[a-z]\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -u %N\", RESULT==\"$UUID\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"sd[a-z][0-9]*\", PROGRAM=\"/lib/udev/vol_id -u %N\", RESULT==\"$UUID\", SYMLINK+=\"live\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- fi
- # add rules for loop devices created by this mayflower generated init
- # i.e. /dev/live-osimg, /dev/live-osmin, /dev/live-overlay,
- # and /dev/live-squashed
- if [ -b "$SQUASHED_LOOPDEV" ]; then
- echo "KERNEL==\"${SQUASHED_LOOPDEV#/dev/}\" SYMLINK+=\"live-squashed\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- fi
- if [ -b "$OSMIN_SQUASHED_LOOPDEV" ]; then
- echo "KERNEL==\"${OSMIN_SQUASHED_LOOPDEV#/dev/}\" SYMLINK+=\"live-squashed-osmin\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- fi
- if [ -b "$OSMIN_LOOPDEV" ]; then
- echo "KERNEL==\"${OSMIN_LOOPDEV#/dev/}\" SYMLINK+=\"live-osmin\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- fi
- echo "KERNEL==\"${BASE_LOOPDEV#/dev/}\" SYMLINK+=\"live-osimg\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- echo "KERNEL==\"${OVERLAY_LOOPDEV#/dev/}\" SYMLINK+=\"live-overlay\"" >> /sysroot/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev*
- mount -n -o ro,remount /sysroot
-# we might have a genMinInstDelta delta file for anaconda to take advantage of
-if [ -e /sysroot/LiveOS/osmin.img ]; then
- OSMINSQFS=/sysroot/LiveOS/osmin.img
-if [ -n "$OSMINSQFS" ]; then
- # decompress the delta data
- dd if=$OSMINSQFS of=/osmin.img 2> /dev/null
- OSMIN_SQUASHED_LOOPDEV=$( losetup -f )
- losetup $OSMIN_SQUASHED_LOOPDEV /osmin.img
- mkdir -p /squashfs.osmin
- mount -n -t squashfs -o ro $OSMIN_SQUASHED_LOOPDEV /squashfs.osmin
- OSMIN_LOOPDEV=$( losetup -f )
- losetup $OSMIN_LOOPDEV /squashfs.osmin/osmin
- umount -l /squashfs.osmin
-# we might have an uncompressed embedded ext3 to use as rootfs (uncompressed live)
-if [ -e /sysroot/LiveOS/ext3fs.img ]; then
- EXT3FS="/sysroot/LiveOS/ext3fs.img"
-if [ -n "$EXT3FS" ] ; then
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "setting up embedded ext3 fs "
- fi
- mkdir -p /dev/mapper
- mknod /dev/mapper/control c 10 63
- modprobe dm_snapshot
- BASE_LOOPDEV=$( losetup -f )
- umount -l /sysroot
- do_live_from_base_loop
-# we might have an embedded ext3 on squashfs to use as rootfs (compressed live)
-if [ -e /sysroot/LiveOS/squashfs.img ]; then
- SQUASHED="/sysroot/LiveOS/squashfs.img"
-if [ -e "$SQUASHED" ] ; then
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "setting up embedded squash -> ext3 fs "
- fi
- mkdir -p /dev/mapper
- mknod /dev/mapper/control c 10 63
- modprobe dm_snapshot
- if [ "$live_ram" == "1" ] ; then
- echo "Copying live image to RAM..."
- echo "(this may take a few minutes)"
- dd if=$SQUASHED of=/squashed.img bs=512 2> /dev/null
- umount -n /sysroot
- echo "Done copying live image to RAM."
- eject -p /dev/root
- SQUASHED="/squashed.img"
- fi
- SQUASHED_LOOPDEV=$( losetup -f )
- mkdir -p /squashfs
- mount -n -t squashfs -o ro $SQUASHED_LOOPDEV /squashfs
- BASE_LOOPDEV=$( losetup -f )
- losetup $BASE_LOOPDEV /squashfs/LiveOS/ext3fs.img
- umount -l /squashfs
- if [ "$live_ram" == "0" ] ; then
- umount -l /sysroot
- fi
- do_live_from_base_loop
-if [ -b "$OSMIN_LOOPDEV" ]; then
- # set up the devicemapper snapshot device, which will merge
- # the normal live fs image, and the delta, into a minimzied fs image
- echo "0 $( blockdev --getsize $BASE_LOOPDEV ) snapshot $BASE_LOOPDEV $OSMIN_LOOPDEV p 8" | dmsetup create --readonly live-osimg-min
-if [ "$eshell" == "1" ] ; then
- echo "Shell requested on kernel commandline."
- echo "Rootfs is mounted ro on /sysroot. Exit to continue booting."
- echo
- bash
-if [ -x /sysroot$init ] ; then
- # Leave initramfs and transition to rootfs
- kill `pidof udevd`
- if [ "$quiet" != "1" ] ; then
- echo "transfering control to $init"
- fi
- exec /sbin/run-init
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo "WARNING: Error switching to real rootfs!"
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo
- echo "Dropping to a shell. Good luck!"
- echo
- bash
- echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "WARNING: Requested $init binary does not exist on rootfs."
- echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
- echo
- echo "Dropping to a shell. Good luck!"
- echo
- bash
-chmod a+x init
-if [ "$opt_verbose" == "1" ] ; then
- tree -s .
- echo
- cat -n init
- echo
-find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ../initramfs
-popd > /dev/null
-rm -rf $TEMPDIR
-echo "Done; initramfs is $(du -h $INITRAMFS_TARGET | awk '{print $1}')."
-exit 0
commit 11dbd0bb5ba4b845e80109e990e4e780ca402218
Author: Jeremy Katz <katzj(a)>
Date: Tue Feb 26 17:56:16 2008 -0500
Fix up Fedora 8 configs to still be able to boot
We need to run mayflower in the config now rather than depending on
livecd-creator running it itself
diff --git a/config/livecd-fedora-8-base-desktop.ks b/config/livecd-fedora-8-base-desktop.ks
index 2cf42b5..febfc97 100644
--- a/config/livecd-fedora-8-base-desktop.ks
+++ b/config/livecd-fedora-8-base-desktop.ks
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ repo --name=updates --mirrorlist=
+# for live initrd
# save some space
@@ -158,11 +161,16 @@ chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/fedora-live
/sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/fedora-live
/sbin/chkconfig --add fedora-live
-# save a little bit of space at least...
-rm -f /boot/initrd*
# make sure there aren't core files lying around
rm -f /core*
+# make the initrd we care about
+rm -f /boot/initrd*.img
+cp /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd /etc/mayflower.conf
+ver=`ls /boot/vmlinuz* |head -n 1 |sed -e 's;/boot/vmlinuz-;;'`
+/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower -f /boot/initrd-$ver.img $ver
+rm -f /etc/mayflower.conf
@@ -175,4 +183,7 @@ if [ "$(uname -i)" = "i386" -o "$(uname -i)" = "x86_64" ]; then
if [ ! -d $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ]; then mkdir -p $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ; fi
cp /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS
+# move the initrd we created to be the booted one
+mv $INSTALL_ROOT/boot/initrd-*.img $LIVE_ROOT/isolinux/initrd0.img
commit 2d81880202d017bc802316cc60354597391e1030
Author: Jeremy Katz <katzj(a)>
Date: Tue Feb 26 17:54:54 2008 -0500
Stop using mayflower for building the live initrd
mkinitrd is starting to gain some support for building initrds for live
systems. We should just use that initrd rather than creating our own and
carrying our own infrastructure for this.
diff --git a/imgcreate/ b/imgcreate/
index bbb17ef..13dd84d 100644
--- a/imgcreate/
+++ b/imgcreate/
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ from imgcreate.errors import *
from imgcreate.fs import *
from imgcreate.creator import *
-MAYFLOWER_PATH = "/usr/lib/livecd-creator/mayflower"
class LiveImageCreatorBase(LoopImageCreator):
"""A base class for LiveCD image creators.
@@ -177,6 +175,7 @@ class LiveImageCreatorBase(LoopImageCreator):
if not base_on is None:
+ self.__write_initrd_conf(self._instroot + "/etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd")
def __ensure_isodir(self):
if self.__isodir is None:
@@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ class LiveImageCreatorBase(LoopImageCreator):
def _create_bootconfig(self):
"""Configure the image so that it's bootable."""
- self.__create_initramfs()
def _get_post_scripts_env(self, in_chroot):
@@ -196,26 +194,13 @@ class LiveImageCreatorBase(LoopImageCreator):
return env
- #
- # Try to use mayflower if running from git tree
- #
- def __mayflower_path(self):
- if not globals().has_key("__file__"):
- pydir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- if pydir.startswith("/usr/lib"):
- git_mayflower = os.path.join(pydir, "../tools/mayflower")
- if not os.path.exists(git_mayflower):
- return git_mayflower
- def __write_mayflower_conf(self, path):
+ def __write_initrd_conf(self, path):
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
+ makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
f = open(path, "a")
+ f.write('LIVEOS="yes"\n')
+ f.write('PROBE="no"\n')
f.write('MODULES+="squashfs ext3 ext2 vfat msdos "\n')
f.write('MODULES+="sr_mod sd_mod ide-cd "\n')
@@ -233,27 +218,6 @@ class LiveImageCreatorBase(LoopImageCreator):
- def __create_initramfs(self):
- mayflower = self.__mayflower_path()
- if not os.path.isfile(mayflower):
- raise CreatorError("livecd-creator not correctly installed : "
- "%s not found" % MAYFLOWER_PATH)
- shutil.copy(mayflower, self._instroot + "/sbin")
- self.__write_mayflower_conf(self._instroot + "/etc/mayflower.conf")
- kernels = self._get_kernel_versions()
- for kernel in kernels:
- for version in kernels[kernel]:
-["/sbin/mayflower", "-f",
- "/boot/livecd-initramfs-%s.img" % (version,),
- version],
- preexec_fn=self._chroot),
- os.unlink(self._instroot + "/sbin/mayflower")
- os.unlink(self._instroot + "/etc/mayflower.conf")
def __create_iso(self, isodir):
iso = self._outdir + "/" + + ".iso"
@@ -371,9 +335,8 @@ class x86LiveImageCreator(LiveImageCreatorBase):
shutil.copyfile(bootdir + "/vmlinuz-" + version,
isodir + "/isolinux/vmlinuz" + index)
- shutil.copyfile(bootdir + "/livecd-initramfs-" + version + ".img",
+ shutil.copyfile(bootdir + "/initrd-" + version + ".img",
isodir + "/isolinux/initrd" + index + ".img")
- os.unlink(bootdir + "/livecd-initramfs-" + version + ".img")
is_xen = False
if os.path.exists(bootdir + "/boot/xen.gz-" + version[:-3]):
@@ -572,9 +535,8 @@ class ppcLiveImageCreator(LiveImageCreatorBase):
shutil.copyfile(bootdir + "/vmlinuz-" + version,
destdir + "/vmlinuz")
- shutil.copyfile(bootdir + "/livecd-initramfs-" + version + ".img",
+ shutil.copyfile(bootdir + "/initrd-" + version + ".img",
destdir + "/initrd.img")
- os.unlink(bootdir + "/livecd-initramfs-" + version + ".img")
def __get_basic_yaboot_config(self, **args):
return """