I have been trying to rebuild one of the latest Fedora Live CD's
Fedora20 Lxde doing my work on a Fedora 19 system
I follow the procedures online doing, Iso mount, squashfs mount, mirror
Iso and Squashfs directories, mount the raw image, do my changes,
rebuild the squashfs and iso.
The problem is that after this process, and even without doing any
change on the raw image, ( i even issue a diff between the original on
the iso file and mine with no changes ) the new LiveCD boots but does
not let me log in. On the desktop login ask's a password and returns to
login screen again and on the console promt does not ask for password
but returns to login
After doing the squashfs a diff reports changes between the squashfs on
original iso and the new one, but it should not no?
Is there a squashfs option I am missing?
rebuild the squashfs on a different version would affect? ( I'm on 19 )
Any ideias on what is happening?