I found that article a couple of days ago, and thought you may be really interested in such info, just read it here
mario di cosmo
I guess I've just found something perfect for you, you're going to admire that! Just take a look here
Faithfully, mario di cosmo
From: livecd []
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 2:32 PM
To: mariass1952(a)
Subject: Hippopotamus
I agree with you to a degree. I'm not AC fanboy. I bought Black Flag solely because it was a pirate-themed game. I was not disappointed in the story at all. I mean, I didn't give a flying fuck about the modern-day part, but the Kenway storyline was amazing and could have stood on its own without the other shit. With that said, I felt that Ubisoft's decision to release a new AC game annually is what cost Black Flag an amazing multiplayer experience. This game could have been spectacular as a multiplayer allowing players to form crews while they pillage and plunder, all the while upgrading their ships, their ports, and other things. Think GTA, but pirate-based. Instead, this game lacks a multiplayer community because Ubisoft threw in some unique, but shitty, game modes that nobody has the patience to play.
Black Flag could have made over a billion dollars if Ubisoft had focused on making it a complete and full game. Instead, they shit the games out left and right, leaving nothing to have people wanting to come back.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
I think you should try that new stuff, I hope you like it, just give it a try here
mario di cosmo
From: livecd []
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 1:10 AM
To: mariass1952(a)
Subject: LOLOLOL
I'm just 40 miles east of nyc and I am making contacts and working repeaters all around the NY NJ CT Tristate. I'm heard clearly into northern NJ on simplex running 50 watts, and can pull out some great mobile stations. The antenna isn't that high up either, about 30 feet at its base. ...I'm at sea level. The antenna works great and takes strong winds very well. Highly recommended. I can only imagine how it would do if I could get it to 50 or 75 feet, and get myself some real power.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10