Message: 2 Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 14:11:24 -0500 From: Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] Fwd: Would like instructions to build a bootable USB with F14 for the Mac To: Message-ID: 20110216191124.7KX3T.5653.root@cdptpa-web06-z02 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Scott, thank you for your post. I decided to try UNetbootin for Windows and Linux. I was partially successful with a KINGSTON USB. It was fresh out of the package and formatted FAT16. I used UNetbootin on Windows to build a USB from my custom ISO of Fedora 14. I also built one using an original Fedora 13 ISO I downloaded in October. I tested them on a Mac Pro and an iMac. I held down the option key (or alt depending on your keyboard) to access Apple's Startup Manager. My USB did not appear on the iMac but it did on the Mac Pro. On the Mac Pro, I chose the USB and started booting. The Fedora boot animation went about 3/4 of the way and then a black screen with the following information came up.
Oops : efitime : can't read time! pci 0000:03.0:ignoring class 600 (doesn't match header type 01) No root device found Boot has failed, sleeping forever.
I am going to continue looking for a solution but any ideas are welcome.
Try looking here: (Notes on why liveusb-creator has problems with f14) and Using a Boot Helper CD
A Mac bootable CD is available to study: Ref:
These are the best solutions I have found so far.
Please let us know if there are better ones.
Tom Gilliard satellit on #sugar freenode IRC
---- Scott Dowdle wrote:
----- Original Message -----
I have not received any type of answer to my question over the past week, so now I am curious. Is it even possible to build a USB stick running Fedora 14 that will boot a Mac Intel machine? Any incite is appreciated.
I've seen the question a few times and the last time I saw it I replied that you can't boot from USB on a Mac... but I was later corrected... that yes you can boot from USB on a Mac (See for example - I have yet to run into anyone who knows HOW to do it... and it would be useful if you could find any product, Linux or not, that will boot from USB on a Mac... to see how they did it.
Looking at the syslinux website ( and looking over their changelog and also doing a search... there are 0 results found for both Macintosh and iMac.
From what I can gather, booting from an Intel-based Mac requires the boot media to have a GPT type partition table. Linux supports GPT partition tables but I'm not sure about our bootloaders.
Please report what you find out.
Scott Dowdle 704 Church Street Belgrade, MT 59714 (406)388-0827 [home] (406)994-3931 [work] -- livecd mailing list