We are using liveusb-creator to create 8Gib USB sticks with 4GIB Persistence for use with EeePC900 and other netbooks as an alternate OS. Also for making USB or SD 4GiB,s with Fedora 11 Preview Gnome and Sugar Desktop for sugarlabs for school students.
Is there a way to ask for and install a real(user) account and password in the dialogs before running liveusb-creator created with a persistence file? And in this created user move the "Install to Hard Disk" Icon now on the desktop to the system Administration Drop down. Or at least make it deletable. It is very dangerous to leave this icon visible to users who may click on it and damage the host computers' Hard disks...
The autologon of live user is a problem as we are forced to start Live User first, then switch users and log in to a (real user) created by Add/delete users afterwards, selecting either SUGAR DESKTOP or GNOME from the swicher bar.
IS there be a way to bypass live user when a real user is created by running liveusb-creator and log on to it directly?
Thank you.
Tom Gilliard Bend, Oregon