Hey, folks. Sorry I didn't manage to send out any of these notifications
up till now, but we have an Alpha RC now which is looking pretty good so
far, and the Go/No-Go meeting is tomorrow, so if you could help do the
desktop validation tests for your desktops that'd be great.
The validation page with info and instructions is here:
Downloads are here:
John Dulaney has already done several of the tests (thanks John, if
you're reading!) and we have the necessary minimum coverage for
sign-off, but it's always good to cover all desktops and get the Beta /
Final tests done at Alpha stage so we know what's broken. So if you get
a minute to help out, please do! Thanks.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora