ear friends,
I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of
GNUmed 0.7.0 (server v13).
Packages are available through OpenSUSE build service for OpenSUSE, Fedora and
The database, as usual, needs to be upgraded to v13. The
previous v12 version will remain untouched so in case of
problems one can just go back until fixed.
This release features a rather unexpected new functionality:
visual progress notes. Those are sketches/images (such as
visual markers onto templates or clinical photographs)
standing side by side with the clinical narrative of any
given encounter.
Translations have seen a big improvement, particularly Dutch.
Several major inconsistencies have been solved, particularly
around switching encounters on a patient and the dreaded
Edit Area layout issue.
Here is the Changelog:
- new: manage diagnostic orgs
- new: manage date of death per patient
- new: manage discontinuation of substance intake
- new: turn substance intake entry into allergy
- new: hooks
- after_substance_intake_modified
- hook after_test_result_modified
- new: visual progress notes
- new: initial support for FreeDiams drug database frontend including
install helper
- new: commandline option --ui=<web/wxp> with rudimentary CherryPy
- new: show list of all configuration settings
- new: configurable web search for test type from test result edit
- new: systemwide/user-level optional shutdown scripts invoked from
- new: Centor/McIsaac-Score as keyword expansions
- new: man pages for backup scripts
- new: partial Catalan translation
- improved: login dialag:
- hint about local DB on failure
- do not show password ;-)
- improved: show allergies in substance intake edit area
- improved: warn on creating database users with empty passwords
- improved: default region/country for new-person creation
- improved: show lab name/contact details in measurement tooltip
- improved: always use new person creation rather than old
- improved: placeholders:
- name::*::*
- improved: various typos
- improved: do not fail if unable to show part when adding documents
- improved: cleaner/faster display of documents in tree, and sorted,
eventually !
- improved: ARRIBA is now v2.0.4
- improved: using Git for SCM now
- improved: gnumed.py now directly under client/
- improved: startup size will never go beyond screen size/below
100x100 pixel
- improved: Dutch translation
- improved: use per-engine wildcards on form template selection
The full git log is appended.
Please report any bugs you manage to find !
GPG key ID E4071346 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD 4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346
just some news from www.medfloss.org (formerly medfoss.apfelkraut.org / freemedsw.apfelkraut.org) one of this various meta-databases of medical FLOSS.
You may have noticed that you can specify per project, if it is already available as official distro package.
Now I just added some pages for you, based on this information:
Sorted by popularity (measured by number of views of each project - I know this is not the ultimate criteria, but the best I could get) you can see a distro specific list of projects, that are not yet available as official packages.
These lists can be found ...
- for Debian Med at http://www.medfloss.org/node/350
- for Fedora Medical at http://www.medfloss.org/node/351
- for OpenSUSE Medical at http://www.medfloss.org/node/352
Hope these can help you a bit in deciding which project should be packaged next or are worth to be added to your actual task list?! Please let me know in case you can think of additional information that could be of any use to you.
Best regards,
P.S.: General comments, improvement suggestions or additions to medfloss.org are also warmly welcome ;-)
A few weeks ago, I made this page[1] and sent out a call for help for
making it complete so that we can file packaging requests for the
selected packages.
Unfortunately, things have not progressed till then. So I am resending
the request.
If you want to make changes, add or delete any component to the list, please do.
Once a set of packages has been identified, we can proceed to
packaging and subsequent inclusion of those packages into the Fedora
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Practitioner_workflow