Hi all,
It might be worth exploring packaging of this LGPL application. The GNUmed
team would be highly interested in this (I will do some usability tests)
as it is the only application (I know of) on all operating systems (important
for us) which supports viewing fluouroscopy and echo studies.
Here is the list of dependecies
WxWidgets: MultiPlatform Graphical User Interface (GUI).
VTK: Kitware's Visualization ToolKit.
ITK: Kitware's Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit.
DCMTK: Offis' DICOM ToolKit.
OpenSSL: Open Source SSL/TLS Framework .
SQLite: The in-process SQL DataBase Engine.
Best regards,
I am packaging gnumed-server. I have two issues which
need to to corrected before I move it to bugzilla.
You can find the spec file, the SRPM and the RPM here[1]
The issues are:
1) After installation, it creates the db gnumed_v2 and upgrade to
gnumed_v14, one step at a time. This takes too long.
Is there a way to create gnumed_v14 directly?
2) We need to figure a way to backup the databases and continue with
bootstrapping quitely. Right now, it asks the user whether to continue
or not.
3) Does this use any unpackaged library? If yes, it would be nice to know which
Helps are appreciated.
[1] http://susmit.fedorapeople.org/packaging/gnumed-server/
Hi Andy,
> Sorry, but I would prefer if you did not push this into Fedora at the
> current time.
Sorry to know that.
> AMIDE is dependent on both the dcmtk and xmedcon libraries that are not
> currently in Fedora. Even though you can build amide without these
> libraries, it's close to useless without these libraries. It'd be like
> distributing a version of GIMP that couldn't read/write jpeg, png, or tiff.
> This is not the user experience that I want people to have with this
> application. I've been holding off on submitting this package myself for
> that very reason.
> There's ongoing work to get DCMTK properly packaged for Fedora.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=573910
Hmm...so as far as I can see, this is pretty much close to completion. Right?
Do you mind if we push it for now, complete those two packages as soon
as possible and push an update for amide? Getting a package in Fedora
takes it's time and redoing the whole process again would delay things
even more. Let us know what do you think.
> If somebody wants to take on packaging xmedcon (http://xmedcon.sf.net)
> that'd also be useful.
I shall open a ticket by tomorrow.
> A working rpm of AMIDE for Redhat/Fedora, along with RPMS of the needed
> underlying libraries (xmedcon, DCMTK) has been available on sourceforge for
> years. Anyone who needs this software now can download and install it
> easily enough.
Ok. I have unpushed it from F14, I shall try and get it unpushed from
rawhide as well.
If you want me to push it again, please let me know when you feel ready.
Hi All,
Amide, which is a medical image data examiner, is now packaged for
Fedora and has been pushed to the official repository.
We had to package this without ffmpeg, because of licence restriction.
Currently it's waiting in queue and should be available for install
via yum in an week.
I am also cc'ing Andreas, who is the author of this Software.